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Social Justice and Diversity
C'est Moi

visitors since last major revision
on 14 May 2001.

"Yes, but what does it mean!?"

My site's name is a mixed Russian and English word, which transliterated entirely to English, becomes:


"Mir" is the Russian word for both "world" and "peace." (It's the same word as the name of the long-orbiting Soviet/Russian space station.)

"Walker" denotes the obvious "one who walks," and is coincidently my last name.

Together, they well capture two important parts of my life:
WORLDwalker, my interest and experience in traveling to new places; and
PEACEwalker, the social justice approach to my personal and professional activities.

If the 'funny' symbols and idealism haven't run you off, take a virtual walk around my mir...
Page Last Modified: Monday, 14-May-2001
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