Updated 1/14/01 New braces, Construction details, "What's it like?"
NOTE: The images on this site are copyrighted. Please do not repost them. However you may feel free to link to this page. You may download the images for your personal use only (you'll do it anyway). Enjoy.
I always enjoy your coments for Emiline: steelwun@aol.com
Sometimes, though not often,
an accident occurs. In the title photo, the camera forgot to wind, creating
multiple images. In the molding of mortals, where we were given an appreciation
of art and erotica, perhaps, too, sometimes an accident happens giving us
multiple sets of values. Who knows? If coming here was no accident for you,
then read on.
This site contains a visual, intellectual, and sometimes "tongue-in cheek" exploration of ideas and images for those who find leg braces on women attractive. I readily admit this may seem rather kinky and weird to some, but the significant contingent of us who enjoy this merits a serious exploration of the motivation and importance of this phenomenon. Rather than pornography, these images are intended to allow individuals the opportunity to explore their own feelings and motivations that might not be otherwise readily accessible. If you are OFFENDED or under 18, perhaps its better to just pass this one by. It is meant to be ARTISTIC, in a mildly Erotic way, as these values, often more effectively than words, illicit hidden feelings. It is not meant to offend, belittle or make fun of anyone. Hopefully it will enkindle an avenue for those who have to use orthotics to express a side of themselves that may not have otherwise been appreciated. If you feel you have finally arrived at some sort of "home" here, then click the picture at right or the pix and links below. Thanks for stopping by.
Don't miss these pix!
New! A Y2K Brace (Break)(Brake) Through
Is the foreman of Santa's workshop a devotee?
The rest of the photos from my personal collection.
EMILINE: QUEEN OF THE DESERT Finally I can share my recent adventure!
MODELS WITH BRACES a selection of my favorites from the InfoTrek Braces Archives
By popular demand I have scoured the Archives and found 10 more images dovetailing with my theme. Brace yourself!
Another selection of InfoTrek IMAGES that resonate with the theme of this site.
I thought you would enjoy seeing me use my CRUTCHES.
If you like the idea of pretty women combined with shiney metal and high heels, I thought you might like to know about this book and see a few images.
A number of other sites have graciously linked this one. As I identify those that support and expand on the thrust of this site I will list them here.
LEG BRACE DEVOTEES PAGE Susan P has pioneered this topic for us and remains a central point of discussion and support through her guestbook, a sort of off-line chat room; includes some important links. Susan's Links Page. | Susan's Guest Book | Orthotists.
BRACES ARCHIVE @ INFOTREK This site has hundreds of pictures of all kinds of braces, in isolation and modeled.
-PLASTER OF PARadISe - Links An important source of fettish links for cast lovers and us, too!
Mike Jones continues to supply us with interesting work. Check him out.
eGroups An ongoing open discussion with a huge searchable history of files containing lots of posted pictures. Requires free membership signup to access some of the information. A good way to get a feel for this phenomenon.
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