Hi, I'm...

To the Lesbian Lounge Photo Album
Featuring the Ladies Of the Lesbian Lounges

I'm sponsoring these pages for the ladies of Yahoo to see friends and put a face to the names...Hope you all enjoy it.

Yeah, yeah...I know, I know...LOL...it's been ages since I've updated but now that I'm back in chat (FINALLY!!!) maybe I can get more photos up soon! That's a HINT gals...LOL!!!

Last update: 27 September 1999

NEW:Desiray and Chachi-Pg 14

"I have been and always shall be your friend"....Capt. Spock

The CA GirlsThe MN GalsThe LWL Couples

Links to my friends pagesThe Ladies' PoetryCurad's FamilyA Fetish Site

This page has been and always will be for the ladies of Yahoo

This site created and maintained on my lesbian Macintosh computer
Curad-girl © 1998 All rights reserved

This midi plays: The theme from Hawaii Five-0 (believe it or not)

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