Cascade Flyer Logo

Cascade Flyers

AlaskaFloat.JPG (121514 bytes)
One of our northern  members, at work ... and play.  (Please click on photo)
© Leslee Probasco 2003

Last Updated: 03/01/05

Activity Operations Manual and Checklist How to Join / Membership Contact Info. Map of Members' Locations
Upcoming Clearances Meetings and Minutes Gay and Lesbian Flying Clubs  
  CasFlyers MailList Plane Photos Web Photo Policy
Fun Spots To Fly To! Sunriver Fly-out - Event and Reservations Fly-out 2004 Photos
Fly-out 2003 Photos
Orcas Island 2003 Photos
Flight Simulator / Listserve

Simple Yahoo Weather (Click for details and forecast)

Gay, lesbian, and bisexual aviators (including private and professional pilots), aviation professionals and just plain (or is that "plane") enthusiasts in Washington, Oregon and southern British Columbia. 

(Is this not the Cascade Flyers you were looking for? There is an unaffiliated flying club of the same name based out of Paine field (PAE), Washington.  Try: )


Orcas Fly-in 2002 BradDaniel&George.jpg (715370 bytes) Passengers Brad and George, with Flight Attendant, on one of Russ's Flights to Tokyo


MMV1.JPG (434198 bytes)

© A. Vincent 2002

Our Goal

Offer social events, to learn more about flying and the aviation industry, and just to have fun. 

Upcoming Clearances

Most of our fly ins are designed for VFR (visual flight rules) to enable as large a group as possible to participate, and because no one is particularly interested in flying to a lunch/picnic in rain and fog.  

See Activity Operations Manual for Complete Listing

Meetings and Minutes; Operating Manual

Who We Are

Cascade Flyers is a  gay, lesbian and bisexual aviation group.  Our membership encompasses Washington, Oregon and southern British Columbia (Fraser Flyers).  To our understanding, Cascade Flyers is the first US/Canadian "local" group in the network of similar aviation groups, which  already exist in California, New York, Florida, Texas, Washington, D.C., and Maryland as well as the National Gay Pilots' Association in Washington, D.C.  We offer a Pacific Northwest (from a US perspective) or Pacific Southwest (from a Canadian perspective) social forum for those members of the gay, lesbian, or bisexual community interested in Aviation.  Cascade Flyers pilots fly out of different airports, of course.  

Cascade Flyers members represent virtually every facet of aviation - from the student pilot to the 777 commercial pilot, from commercial crew members to private aircraft passengers who barely know how to fold the map, from flight instructors and air traffic controllers to those that not particularly fond of dealing with controlling personalities but like to fly, and hey, even those unsung heroes that keep the flying machines in good repair.

We host a wide variety of activities related to both the aviation and the gay and lesbian communities.  Upcoming events include flights to scenic destinations, pilot educational programs, barbecues, and other community service projects, as well as tours of aviation museums, air carrier  maintenance shops and FAA air traffic control facilities.  Our activities are member-driven.

Cascade Flyers welcomes anyone interested in aviation and encourages member participation and involvement! 

Seattle, WA:  The folks in Seattle get together once a month during the good flying weather, for a pot luck at a member's home.

Vancouver, BC:  The folks in Vancouver call themselves the Fraser Flyers.  They meet on the first Friday of every month at Davie Grinde.  "Generally there is a small number of us, but we get together and have a few laughs and talk about flying and boys, and flying and girls. "

Portland, OR:  The folks in Portland get together at a local restaurant every other month, generally the 2nd Friday of the even-numbered months.

How to Join

Check out our "Membership Information" Page.  

 There are no dues since we don't publish a newsletter nor sponsor events requiring a "kitty".   

CasFlyers MailList

The Cascade Flyers Maillist (or Listserve) is available to members only and is intended as a forum to discuss any questions or issues relating to aviation and other items of general membership interest. You MUST be a  Cascade Flyer member to be a participant of the list's discussions.
  • To send request to SUBSCRIBE or CHANGE EMAIL ADDRESS to the list:

    1.  If you are not already a member, you have to be a member to be on the Listserve.  To become a member, we need to add you to our membership.  

    2.  If you are already a member, and either adding a second email address or changing your email address (delete old/add new),  send an email to Webmaster to advise that you want add or change your email address.  Please identify your old email address, and your name, of course.  

  • To POST a message to the subscribers, send email to:  (Note: You must subscribe to the list before posting messages. You can subscribe or unsubscribe as often as you wish, but as noted,  that  must be handled by the webmaster.)
  • To REPLY: 

    1.  to the ENTIRE MAILLIST - just hit the <reply> command on your email program. 

    2.  to reply to the INDIVIDUAL sender,  here is how I do it:   Hit the Reply Button, but before you add your reply message, you will  note  that in the text of the message (at least for my email program ... AOL folks  may have a different problem), you will note that the individual's email  address is underlined. So I click on that, and another reply message pops up and I write on that one.  The other option is if the individual sender's email address is not active,  copy the email address (which appears in the header of the message), and  then paste over the address / address name for the Cascade Flyers Maillist.  If that doesn't work for you, please let me know. 
  • To UNSUBSCRIBE from the list, send a blank email to:
  • For help or questions about the list, email to:
  • To view previous messages, get names/number of members, set up chat room, or change your subscription settings, go to:
  • Trying to send an email from a different computer?   Since this is a restricted maillist, YahooGroups determines who you are based on your "cookies". If you are at a different computer, then it doesn't know who you are and it blocks an attempt for an unauthorized person to send an email to the list. If you have an alternative computer you want to be able to send and receive CasFlyers email,  the second computer can be registered by you directly: If you would like to specify an alternate email address:
    >1. visit
    >2. click the "Edit Profile" button
    >3. type your alternate email address in the area labeled "Alternate  email addresses".
    >4. click the "Save Changes" button
    >5. wait approximately 10 minutes for the change to take effect
    But you probably have to do that at your "prime" computer, as it shouldn't let you into the YahooGroups page. Or, if you email me and advise of your  temporary or additional computer address,  our Webmaster can approve that and add your alternative address to the list.

CasFlyers MailList usage guidelines: The maillist is NOT a moderated maillist, so  we all need to depend on the common sense of the members. Feel free to suggest that the discussion be taken off-line.  We much rather members speak up to comment on usage than to have people leave the maillist. The power of the list is the collective knowledge there when you really need it.  If you are replying to one person specifically, please take the discussion off-line (reply directly, not to the list).

Contact Information

Electronic mail
President:  Open (1/1/02)
Secretary Evan
        Webmaster: Bob

Our Fellow Gay and Lesbian Flying Clubs

San Franciso, CA area: 

Golden Gate Flyers - (our San Francisco, CA Web forefathers)

West Coat Flyers - based in the San Francisco Bay Area and have founding members from Seattle to San Diego.

National Gay Pilots Association
Rainbow Flyers Pilot Association
Dallas, TX


Cactus Flyers

Unusual Attitudes

Southern California/Southwest Gay & Lesbian Aviation Association

Out on the Runway Website

Atlanta Stick N Rudder
Greater Atlanta, GA area
link "" not working on 12/24/03


GPA/NYC ("New York Pilots")
New York City area

Check out their events if you are headed back East!

Queer Flyers Europe
For travelers to Europe, as well as NGPA Europe members
Florida Gay Pilots Association

Tropical Flyers
" Florida's premier flying club for gay & gay friendly men and women,  Where Membership is always free."

Fraser Flyers - our British Columbia contingent

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 - 2005