Chi Delta Mu (CDM)
(Cross Dressers Metro - Serving the New York City Metro Area)

Welcome to Our Gendered Gifted Home!

!! Chi Delta Mu - Celebrating its 28th Year!!!

We are proud to announce that our group is celebrating its 28th anniversary this year! Carol Beecroft, the then National Leader of Tri-Ess, met with some 20 local sisters who were interested in forming a group on a Sunday afternoon in New Jersey on August 30, 1981. It was from that meeting that our group was formed. Our group has seen many faces over the past 28 years. Some have stayed with us a long time, sadly, others we have lost touch with. Wether you are an old member thinking of visiting us once again, or if you are out there confused about your feelings toward crossdressing, please consider contacting us, this is definitely the year to do so. Come help us celebrate 28 years with us all year long! You'll be glad you did.

Upcoming Chi Delta Mu Events for Our Transgendered Community!

Very Important Notice!
We are no longer a Tri-Ess Chapter

On June 12, 2009 our group received a letter from Jane Ellen Fairfax, President of Tri-Ess National. This letter basically stated that the Board of Governance of Tri-Ess felt that Chi Delta Mu was out of compliance with the policies of Tri-Ess as regards to chapters and we would have to quickly comply with their policies or have our charter revoked. As successful a group as we are at serving the transgendered community and all of the volunteered hours of work helping countless numbers of emerging crossdressers the National organization felt that "Chi Delta Mu falls far below any reasonable standard of what a Tri-Ess chapter should be." Without going into details it was extremely obvious to most of our members that our philosophies and that of the National organization differed on a wide number of points. And National was not going to except anything less than total compliance with their way of doing things.

So we had come to a pivotal crossroads in our chapters history. After 28 years as a member of Tri-Ess we had to decide the future of our chapter, and because of Nationals tight deadline to do so we did not have a lot of time to discuss it.

So we put it to a vote. We forwarded the letter from National in it's entirety to all of our chapter members so that they all understood the importance of the issues National raised concerning the state of the chapter. Because the entire chapter would be affected it was decided that the decision about the chapter had to be taken by a vote. 

There were two (2) options posed to all chapter members:
Option A) We will correct our areas of non-compliance as outlined in Nationals letter and remain a chapter of Tri-Ess.
Option B) We will give up our charter and continue as an all inclusive, independent transgender support group.

There were a total of twenty four (24) votes cast of which three (3) were from non-active members and therefore not counted.

Of the remaining twenty one (21) votes the totals were as follows:

Option A) Yes, Remain with Tri-Ess: One (1) vote

Option B) No, To leave Tri-Ess and continue as an independent group: Nineteen (19) votes

Abstain: One (1) vote

Therefore, based on the final tally, both the duly elected officers of Chi Delta Mu and it's members almost unanimously gave notice to Tri-Ess National and it's Board of Governance that we were surrendering our charter effective immediately.

So what does that mean for the future of our group? Basically we are now an independent transgendered support group. And we will continue on exactly the same way we have been doing for the past 28 years with very little change in our policies, except for some minor re-writes to our existing chapter by-laws and this web site which will remove any reference to Tri-Ess. Our future has always been bright and it remains that way now. Our mission has always been to help emerging crossdressers understand themselves and find the support that other, like-minded people can give. We can accomplish that simply by supporting ourselves. We look forward to the next 28 years doing exactly that. We can not think of a more worthwhile endeavor.

If anyone has any questions regarding this decision please do not hesitate to contact both Cynthia and Linda.

Cynthia Majors-President
Linda Mills-Vice President
Sharla DeLawter-Treasurer
Laura Sheehan-Secretary

Important Meeting Announcement!
• July and August 2009 Chi Delta Mu monthly meetings
As is our custom we are taking a two month break from our monthly meetings. We hope to see everyone back when we resume on the second Saturday of September! Have a great summer everyone!.

To our first time visitors:

The main goals of CDM are 1) to provide a safe, friendly and understanding haven for male heterosexual crossdressers and their spouses/significant others, 2) to help each other explore who and what we are, and 3) provide a nurturing supportive structure in which we can fine-tune the “better half” of our gender gifted selves.

Most of our members have been crossdressing for all of their lives. We can all remember the very first time we contacted CDM and communicated with another crossdresser. I for one was happily surprised at the amount of help my contact at CDM gave me and the lengths she went to to help me begin the exploration of my feminine side. The need we all share gives us a common bond that runs very deep, and it is this bond that gives strength to the sisterhood of our chapter and our chapter life. Many of us have developed life long friends through CDM. If you are one of the many people out there struggling with crossdressing issues we believe we can help. The positive support of other people that share your outlook on gender can be both very liberating and comforting.

Our monthly meetings are safe, secure and are held in a very private location in the Bergen County, New Jersey area. The facility is very friendly towards us and is conveniently located over the GWB.

If you have any questions about our chapter, or to get more information about Chi Delta Mu, join our group, or just to ask some questions you might have about the joy and fun of crossdressing please do not hesitate to contact us.

Come and join us at CDM... we would love to see you at one of our monthly meetings! We feel that it's a wonderful lifestyle if you give it a chance, besides, we’d be thrilled to have you join us!

Our meeting room.

beautiful gender gifted folks have dropped in to say hello since January 1, 1998!

Sign Our Guestbook
View Our Guestbook

Even Lady Liberty likes to feel pretty now and then!

The first mission of our chapter is to offer support to both established and just emerging crossdressers. It is through our sisterhood that we all strive to better ourselves and help each other deal with crossdressing issues.

The second mission of our chapter is to help all members learn to live in serenity with crossdressing.
The joy of crossdressing is a powerful, common bond that brings us all together and it is celebrated at all of our monthly meetings.

The third mission of our chapter is for all members to realize that they have so many diverse ways to contribute to chapter life and enrich those around them. Helping others is the key to our sisterhood and will keep our chapter strong for many years to come.

Please visit the web site of our sisters - Sigma Nu Rho - which serves the Trenton New Jersey area.
Sigma Nu Rho

Past Chi Delta Mu Meetings and Events:
• June 2009 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our June meeting consisted of a discussion about new officiers for our organization. Both Cynthia and Linda will be stepping down in the fall to allow new blood to run our group. Nominations for the top two offices are being excepted at this time.

• May 2009 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our May monthly meeting was held on Saturday, May 9th - at the usual time and place. Margo handled the meeting theme and refreshments.

• April 2009 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our April meeting, unfortunately, had to be cancelled at the last minute because of a scheduling conflict due to the Easter holiday. Woops. Sorry everyone.....

• March 2009 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
We had our March meeting on Saturday the 14th.

• February 2009 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Many of our members enjoyed a wonderful night out shopping at our local, very friendly Dress Barn. We'd like to express our appreciate to Dress Barn for giving us this opportunity to come in after hours and shop. Since our annual shopping night was such a success we will continue to make it a yearly event. Thanks for everyone who came out and made it the wonderful night that it was!

• January 2009 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Wow! Is it 2009 already?! Time flies when you're having fun huh ladies? Our first meeting of the new year was held at the regular place on Saturday, January 10th. We'd like to thank Stacy for bringing in her TV and holding our first ever football themed meeting.

• December 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our annual Holiday Party and Gift Exchange was a tremendous success! We had a huge turnout (around 35 CDs/wives) including two new members. The gift exchange was clearly the best we had ever had with plenty of gift stealing and lots of laughs. Our pot luck, holiday feast was well stocked. Thanks to the many members who brought food, drinks and deserts. Our meeting room looked bright and festive with the many decorations people brought and the music was a delight.

• November 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
In November it was time once again to be thankful for the many precious things in our lives, including both the joy of crossdressing and having a group that supports each other so very much. Our November meeting was a celebration of these joys. We all sat down together for a Thanksgiving dinner, socialized and basically enjoyed each other’s company.

• October 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our Annual Halloween Party was another great success this year! We had plenty of spooky decorations in our new meeting place, good music as usual and a lot of fun. Everyone got the chance to vote for their favorite costumes and it was a close vote. CDM would like to congratulate the following winners of our Annual Halloween Costume Contest: Secretary Laura took 1st place as a “Victorian Lolita”, Rita took 2nd place as an “Ice Cream Sundae” and third place went to Kathy as a “Sexy Nun”. Thanks to all who participated!

• September 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our September monthly meeting kicked off our new season and our new location. Plenty of girls and their significant others were in attendance and everyone had a wonderful time!

• June 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our June meeting was the last before the summer break. (We always take July and August off to enjoy the summer and our families.) We look forward to seeing everyone again in the fall!

• May 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
For our evening event for the May 10th, 2008 meeting we had a member of Garden State Equity discuss their efforts on behalf of the LBGT Community.

• April 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our April meeting was an introduction to the new owner of Marlon by Mishoe wigs, Juetta. Juetta brought in many, many samples of her stock for our members to try on and answered many questions about wigs and wig care. This store is very friendly to our community and Juetta will go the extra mile to help you with your hair choices. Please support the businesses that support our community and check out her new web site at:

• March 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
March was our annual trip to DressBarn and DressBarn Woman. The staff at Dress Barn was both extremely friendly and very helpful and the evening proved to us all that it truly is more fun to shop as a girl!

• February 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
February was movie night at our chapter! Pat brought her VCR and projector and we were treated to two films, "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" and "Just Like a Woman". And big thanks go out to Cynthia and Sharla for providing this month's dinner.

• January 2008 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our program for the January 2008 meeting was a "Members Tips" class. This was a chance for all of us to have an open discussion about things ranging from makeup application, to applying fake nails, to taping to create cleavage, to walking like a girl, and so on. Linda offered demonstrations of some techniques to achieve a female shape and Sharla stepped up to give our group some makeup application hints.

• December 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our annual Holiday Party and Gift Exchange was a blast! The meeting consisted of our annual round robin Gift Exchange plus we had tons of food and desserts for our Christmas pot luck dinner. The meeting room was decorated for the season with festive lights and we had a great time socializing and celebrating the holiday season. It was a wonderful, magical time!

• November 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our November 10th meeting was our annual evening of Thanksgiving. We had an open discussion about crossdressing issues as well as a sit down turkey dinner from Boston Market. Transgendered Rememberance Day was also in November and several of our members attending services in the Metro New York/New Jersey area.
Visit our Monthly Minutes page to learn more about the meeting!

• October 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Halloween! The Crossdresser's National Holiday. And CDM once again threw it's Annual Halloween Party! Our meeting room was decorated for the spooky occasion with spider webs, pumpkins, lights and other great decorations. One of the highlights of the evening was our annual costume contest. Three trophies (and bragging rights) were handed out to this years winners.

• September 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our September meeting was held on Saturday the 8th. The schedule for the evening was very light. The only item on the agenda was the election of the groups Officers (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary). We are pleased to announce that the current office holders were all re-elected. Thanks goes out to Marybeth and Laura for providing the eggplant parmesan and spaghetti. Way to go girls!

• July and August 2007 Chi Delta Mu Events
Our chapter always takes a break during the months of July and August so there was no regular meetings for those two months.

• June NYC Pride Parade

The Pride Parade was held on June 24th, 2007 and CDM was well represented. Cynthia gives us this report:

"Well, the bad news is we didn't make it into the NY Post or the Daily News Photo sections but the good news is that we had 8 very tired but very happy marchers finish the Parade in very good spirits. We pretty much covered the whole gender spectrum. We had a granddaughter, a daughter, a wife, CD's and TS's. It was really a great day! (The 3 hour wait time to get going not withstanding). The crowds we had were somewhat down but that always happens when you're well back in the pack as we were. But by the time we got into the Village everyone on the sidelines were still going strong. I joked with several people in our group who normally, when we're out in public and we hear someone scream out "Crossdressers", we tend to look for an escape route ASAP. But yesterday our reaction was to pose for photos!."

This was CDM's very first (and not last) Pride March. A big thanks goes out to all who took part in this important day!

• June 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our June meeting was held on Saturday the 9th and was the last meeting of the 2006/07 season. The meeting was an open planning session for the coming year. Food was provided by Sharla and Cynthia and all of us had a lot of fun socializing. See you in September!

• May 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our May meeting was held on Saturday the 12th. Our featured speaker was Denise Brunner. Denise is the Vice Chair of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee, on the Board of Directors of Garden State Equality and the New Jersey Stonewall Democrats, as well as a member of the Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey(GRAANJ). Plus she is a former member of Chi Delta Mu! Her talk was a wonderful, open and frank discussion of issues (both private and political) concerning all transgendered individuals. Thanks Denise!

• April 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting - Please Note the Date Change! -
Due to the date conflict with the IFGE Conference our April meeting was been moved back one week to the third Saturday of the month instead of the second. The new date was April 21st. (For more information on the conference click the banner below). At the April meeting Mary from Mar-Lon Beauty & Supplies in Teaneck, NJ visited us to talk about wig styling and choices and she brought some of her wigs. Chi Delta Mu also took up a collection old wigs. These wigs were donated to cancer stricken women. 

• March 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our March meeting was a great success! We had three new members attend. Thanks goes out to Stacy for providing dinner for this momth's meeting. The program for the evening was another popular, round table disscussion amongst our members. For more information, including some other important announcements, please visit our Monthly Minutes page.

• February 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our February meeting was our annual Dress Barn and Dress Barn Woman trip. What a turnout we had! It was the largest group of girls we had going in a long time. For a few of our members it was the very first time they had ever been out in public! Way to go girls! The staff at Dress Barn was both extremely friendly and very helpful and the evening proved to us all that it truly is more fun to shop as a girl! You can read more about our trip in our Monthly Minutes - 2007 section and you can see some pictures of the trip on our Flickr Photo Pages! . Later Stephanie Battaglino from the International Foundation for Gender Education, Inc. Media Relations provided a wonderful presentation on the 2007 Transgender Research and Identity Symposium. You can visit their web site by clicking the banner above.

• January 2007 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
At our January meeting Pat from our sister group SNR graciously offered to bring up the equipment to take and make Transgendered photo ID's. Afterwards we had a serious group discussion about our feelings toward crossdressing and how to better ourselves. It was so intense that the meeting ran until after midnight. Thanks goes out to all who participated! Visit our Monthly Minutes page to learn more about the meeting!

• December 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our annual Holiday Party and Year End Celebration was a great success! It was a great time to socialize with each other and the gifts that were given out were truly wonderful.
Visit our Monthly Minutes page to learn more and to see some larger photographs!

• November 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
The meeting was great success with approximately 30 girls attending. The open discussion about crossdressing issues was wonderful and the sit down turkey dinner (from Boston Market) was delicious! If you could not attend please know that we missed you. Now, no excuses for our December Holiday Party and Gift Exchange! Visit our Monthly Minutes page to learn more about the meeting!

• October 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our Annual Halloween Party is over and what a magical evening it was! You can view some pictures of the event by visiting our Flickr Photo Pages!

• September 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
In September our chapter kicked off our 25th anniversary celebration! We had nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and our guest for the evening was the lovely Lady Ellen who guided us all in how to act, talk, and behave more lady like.

• July and August 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meetings
The summer months mean that Chi Delta Mu did not have regular monthly meetings in July and August. However, that did not mean we were not active! Our Social Committee organized two outings to a couple of clubs that many girls took advantage of.

• June 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our June meeting was a simple, general social event and Steffie cooked dinner for everyone! (Way to go Steffie!)

• May 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting - Clothing Swap Meet!
Our May meeting was a "Clothing Swap Meet". Our food for the evening was a "Cajun Fest", cooked and presented by Josette.

• April 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting - Dinner/Dance!
Unfortunately, due to inadequate, advance ticket sales, our annual formal dinner and dance on Saturday (April 8th) was cancelled. We again apologize for any inconvenience that may have resulted due to this cancellation. To read statements from the President and Vice President concerning the dance cancellation please click here.

• March 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting - Our Dress Barn and Dress Barn Woman Trip!
Our annual trip to Dress Barn and Dress Barn Women was a great success! Many girls took advantage of the private sale and we've got the pictures to prove it! The staff was very friendly and helpful and it was a great thrill to be able to shop and try things on with no concerns about being "read". You can view some pictures of the event by visiting our Flickr Photo Pages!

• February 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our February meeting was cancelled due to record snowfall.

• January 2006 Chi Delta Mu monthly meeting
Our January meeting was a general discussion about the direction(s) the new officers plan to take our chapter. Increasing membership, new types of activities and this web site were some of the items discussed.

Snail-Mail :
P. O. Box 1
River Edge, NJ 07661-0001

Fe-Mail us for membership & general info:

Cynthia Majors - Chapter President - E-mail Cynthia
Linda Mills - Chapter Vice President - E-mail Linda
Sharla DeLawter - Chapter Treasurer
Laura Sheehan - Chapter Secretary

WebMistress: Linda Mills and Molly Brown
Our site has been open since January 1, 1998!

© 1997 - 2009 by Chi Delta Mu
Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this website are those of the respective contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or official policies of CDM, its Officers and Board Members. If you are not 18 years of age, or find this material to be in any way objectionable, please leave now

Link to Us!
If you or your organization would like to link to our web site please use the above information. Thanks!