we are family
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We Are Family

This site's definition of 'gay' applies to lesbians, homosexuals & bisexuals, no gender differences, just family...

A brainchild, offspring of a local mailing list, SiGNeL. Some subscriber suggested consolidating links to all local gay homepages, resulting in the birth of this page.

This page, first started in December 97, has seen growing numbers of links submission. We still hope for more in the near future.

A friend mentioned during construction, "There aren't many Singaporeans in this world, and even fewer are gay. So rather than let our homepages be scattered all over, let's build the index" So help me, help us by your submission.

I state right from the outset:

"Be not afraid!"

This is the same exhortation that resounded at the beginning of my ministry in the See of Saint Peter...

Of what should we not be afraid? We should not fear the truth about ourselves.


You can also reach this page with the url http://www.geocities.com/daydreamtts

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 a pro bono project by dissonance design