Song Of The Wolf


I am Tiana Red Wolf.

I am an American Indian and an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation.

My interests are:
History & Culture,
animals & friendship,
mountains & trees,
and Necco's.

The description of my page is:
American Indian, Writer, Poet, and Dancer. Gender Gifted

I do not wish to offend anyone. If the notion of a male wearing womens clothing upsets you
then do not pass go and do not collect two hundred dollars, head for the hills,
take the last train to Clarksville, you take the high road and I'll take the low road.

However, if you have an open mind and a desire to learn something new today, then you have come to the right place. My homepage is a place of self expression. I feel the same way creating it that I feel when I write a poem or compose a song. To me it is another form of artistic expression. You can expect to see it constantly change. I will add things and remove things as the feeling comes to me. You will learn more about me and my people. So please, come in.
I have a good feeling in my heart, I think we will be friends.


If you have been here recently you may want to refresh/reload your browser as I make changes frequently.
I last updated these pages on 2/4/98

Please, come in.

Email me at
Please come back soon and visit me.

Souls have passed this gate since January 26, 1998. Wado.

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