Hi, welcome to my page!
I hope that with this page, I can try to promote tolerance, at least, of those who live lifestyles that vary greatly from those accepted by todays society.
I should warn you, some of the links here may be considered to be of an adult nature, but I'll try to make sure nothing is extremely explicit.
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A Few Definitions
from Merriam Websters Dictionary

CROSS-DRESSING: Noun dating back to 1911. The wearing of clothes designed for the opposite sex.
TRANSEXUAL: Noun dated to 1957. Person with the psychological urge to belong to the opposite sex that may be carried to the point of undergoing surgery to modify the sex organs to mimic the opposite sex.
TRANSVESTITE: Noun, dating to 1922; A person and especially a male who adopts the dress and often the behaviour typical of the opposite sex especially for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification.

So, if you'd like to know a little about me, Click Here.. And be sure to check out these pages, set up by some of my Friends.
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