Welcome to Grey's Gay Coming Out Page!!!

NEW!!! I've added a poetry section to my page! Come read my poem, if you so desire!!!

Well, I've come out to both my parents with great success. I am very lucky to have such very loving parents. My mother is still in a sort of denial stage, which I think is normal, but is also accepting. She hopes I "change back," but will love me no matter what.

I've had this webpage for a little over a year now, and I'm really excited about all the positive feedback I've received so far!!! First, let me tell you a little about myself: My name s Grey, and I currently attend Brown University, where I've learned about so many different types of good music (i.e. 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys, the Spice Girls, Dar Williams, Cher, Ani DiFranco, Tori Amos, AQUA!!!, and Madonna!!!), not to mention my actual academic interests. I plan to "concentrate" (we don't have majors at Brown) in Aquatic Biology. My first year was a great success! I made all A's and 2 B's in Advanced Calculus and Ecology. This summer, I studied at the Duke Marine Lab in Beaufort, North Carolina, where I made two A's in Marine Mammals and Conservation Biology and Policy. My first semester of my 2nd year wasn't as good. I made 3 C's and a Satisfactory... This semester will be much better because I'm taking ES 141: Environmental Policy and Practice, CS 4: Intro to Scientific Computing, PH 24: Intensive Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics, CG 9: Quantitative Methods in Psychology, and PY 120: Animal Learning and Behavior. It should be a fun year...

I'm going to add a poetry section soon... Keep your eyes open for that!

I've known I was gay since about the sixth or seventh grade, and have come out to my friends in college, my mother, and recently to my father... I'm 19, and I just want everyone to know that it's hard being a gay teenager!!! It was easier to tell my friends in college, and when I went home for Christmas break, I told some of my friends from high school... I told my best friend from High School, and she was really cool with it. Then, she told me that one of our professors had asked her if I was gay. This pissed me off to no end. Not only was it none of her business, but if she was going to ask someone, she needed to ask ME!!! I wrote her a letter expressing my dissapointment, and received her response. I was very upset (as some of you had the chance to read the FULL story on this page). Her response really hit close to home, but over spring break we worked things out. I've decided, however, that things MUST change in this country, and I hope that somehow my web page can help.

I was thinking of adding a "Coming-Out" section to my page that had lots of coming out stories; So if you're interested, send me your coming out story! Email it to me at gwhiz@brown.edu

Ok, so I've decided it's about damn time for these anti-gay laws to go!!! I can't stand the fact that we can't have sex legally or the fact that we cant marry... If we're going to do this, we're going to have to do it together. I'm thinking about making a page devoted solely to political actions for/against gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and the transgendered. There are some excellent resources out there:

Equal Marriage Rights Home Page
(Awesome, but a little out-dated)

Please email me if you know of any other sites!!! I'm trying to collect a bunch of them and make a huge page just on marriage rights. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CONGRESS- PERSON!!! Did you know that 1 letter is worth about 500 votes??? It's worth the few minutes of time it will take!!! If you don't know who your congress members are, email me and I'll tell you!!!

I've added links to gay-friendly resource sites, as well as to some of my close friends here at college... Until the next update!!!

Links to gay sites!!!

Links to gay rings and other associations!!!

My interests are:
gay lifestyles, horseback riding, figure skating, marine biology, International Relations, and Model UN....

The description of my page is:
Life as a gay teen...
Coming out to friends and family...
Gay college life...

My site actually has won some awards!!!

Nominate others for this award! If you want one
                   click on the image [CPSK award]

Email me at gwhiz@brown.edu
Please come back soon and visit me.

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