The Transgender Oasis

Sandra Denise's Homepage

Fear of the Unknown is Energized
by Ignorance

"Be true to yourself; others will follow."

Hello, I am Sandra Denise, a transperson of the 90's.

I am an active supporter of those who battle the oppression of certain social factions who do not believe that all were created equal. I too have been hindered by the discriminatory action of many employers in the top name industries. They say they are equal opportunity employers and underhandedly deny capable and qualified candidates the right to earn a living. It is a crime for them to do this under federal law, but they have covered their actions through the use of generic letters that are unsigned and indirect. The politics of business has become filthy with such prejudice and there needs to be an investigation to expose them. There are even members of the law enforcement community believe thye are above reproach and can can abuse the authority entrusted them, persecuting law abiding citizens because of their gender diversity. We need no exception from human rights that already exist, but need to ensure the preservation of those rights.

The description of my page is:

A place dedicated to the advancement of Transgendered Education, understanding of the feelings of those around us as we go through the daily bumps in the road of transition, and for all to freely voice their opinions, seeking the answers to a never-ending list of questions.
This oasis is a peaceful world where anyone is welcome, a place for getting to know me for the person I am and not whatever I am perceived to be.
All questions are welcome here and will receive an honest and complete answer. Curiosity is welcome and will hopefully be replaced with knowledge and understanding of what transgendered people face from day to day.
Please take the time to either sign in my guestbook with your comments, or free to e-mail me for a more in depth discussion.

(Current as of: 2/22/2000)

A Little About Me

This Transgendered Support site is owned by Sandra Denise .

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Just take a minute to relax and smile along with us. The world can be a happier place if we stop frowning.

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Cool and mild.

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