We wanted to give other lesbians ideas of how they may also find joy in a union of their chosing by sharing abit of our experience:):)
If you are interested in our other links, look at the bottom of this page. Please sign our guestbook and tell us what you think....

The Maxfield Parrish art on these pages link back to http://www.primenet.com/~byoder/artofmp.htm if you would like to see more ....
Maxfield Parrish

The Thomas Kinkade art on these pages link back to http://www.kinkadeart.com/index.htm if you want to see more...
Thomas Kinkade

If you are interested in wonderful ASCII Art, check out...
Joan Stark's ASCII Art Gallery

If you are interested in the java applets, visit: Fabio Ciucci:
Anfy Java

Greetings for all occasions...wonderful site
Free Lesbian SHE CARDS

A wonderful site of Lesbian/Gay Unions and celebration of love. This site is meant to help others looking for ideas about how to do their own Lesbian/Gay ceremonies.
Lesbian Connection News page

Check out this site for womyn by womyn.They have ezine, chat, free cards and more:)

Check out this site for information about Feline Infectious PeritonitisFeline Infectious Peritonitis