Marilynn's Feminine Sanctuary

Do you live in Tampa Bay
or plan to visit?
Click HERE for some great information!

UPDATED 11/1/02

Hi Everyone!

I am a 55 year old transgendered male who lives in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, USA. I would love to hear from everyone who would like to fe-mail me with comments, ideas and suggestions.
I will answer all emails as quickly as possible!

Please email me for FREE tasteful MODELING
for YOUR business!

BIO of sorts

I am extremely lucky to have a very loving and supportive wife who allows Marilynn to dress as often as she likes. We shop together for clothes, makeup, lingerie, wigs and other accessories. She even goes clubbing with me and welcomes all of my TG/TS friends into our
home dressed enfemme.....but it hasn't always been that way.

I just turned 55 on 10/5/2002 and I've been dressing since I was 10. It has always been a secret I guarded because I feared how other people would think about me, so I naturally hid it from my wife like most CDs do. She is usually open minded about people and situations, but I wasn't willing to risk the chance of being thrown out if she couldn't except Marilynn.
Then the dreaded day happened!

In May 2000 I walked in from work and found my wife practicing and learning how to use the computer on the old Windows 95 unit I wasn't using. She looked at me and asked "who's Marilynn?"
The blood drained out of my head as I saw my world coming to an end!
Stupidly I had forgotten to erase all of the emails I had on the Netscape browser of the computer she was using and she somehow opened the emails and started reading. We talked for hours about my life as Marilynn and my wife said she was very pissed that I had kept this part of me hidden. She said that she thought I may have had a GG on the side because I would occasionally sneak over to a friends house to dress and my actions were very mysterious to her.
But then my wife of 24 years shocked the hell out of me!!!

When my wife made the comment..."Oh, you are ONLY a CD?" I thought that I'd faint from relief! She was actually "relieved" to find out that I was "only" a CD and not cheating on her with another GG.

A few days later her anger, of not telling her sooner, started to disappear so I thought it was safe to ask for her help in making Marilynn look as good as a 54 year old guy can ever hope to look as a woman. After seeing my older (bad makeup) pics of Marilynn my wife bought me 3 professional makeup how-to books including Kevin Aucoin's "Making Faces." Her only "critical" comment to me was saying "if you are going to dress as a woman and wear makeup like a woman you should do your best to be as believable as possible. There is nothing wrong with looking sexy as long as you always do it with class."

And thats where we are now in Marilynn's open existance. If I told my wife that I never want to dress enfemme again she wouldn't miss not seeing me in gowns and dresses.....but she knows that Marilynn is here to stay and she is at least willing to help me perfect my look and style my wigs when I ask for her help.


Since my wife is supportive with my dressing, and is willing to help me, I have been able to shoot zillions of photos while I've been helping some online TG & GG stores by modeling for them. Below are samples on 2 pages of pics I've done in the last 18 months. I hope you like these :-)

Photo Page #1

Photo Page #2

Proud to be Vanity Club
member #301

Please click the logo

I was actually the first girl ever
picked to receive this award!
But since I didn't know the web
site owner who emailed me and
asked if he could post pics of me
it took a few days for me to
answer him and by then he
selected and posted 2 more girls
and I became #3 *pout* :-)

Click on my
to fe-mail me.