Allow me to
introduce myself, my name is Rene, I am a male-female
and I live by the harbour in the inner suburbs of Sydney,
Warning~ This site deals with cross-dressing and transgenderism, so if you are under the legal age in your state, please hit your back button.
People have
asked why I chose to name my page "Rene's little
I have always been a dreamer, and people would say I was in my own
little world!
In a way I was, and so here is my own little trans-world!
I have also
had comments on my look, and how I present myself as Rene.
What I aim for is the look of female beauty, and I try to dress
I aim to be as beautiful as I can possibly be, and that's what being a girl
is all about!
MY BIO What I like, dislike, and my life story.
MY DIARY See what I've been getting up to!
The C Word Some serious words about my cancer experience.
What is a transgender? A few words about my self-discovery, & links to sites with more TG information
Photo Galleries If you want to see some more of me..
Get outa here! Getting out of the house with my friends
Getting out again Out with my friends and family!
Lolling about Just me getting out of the house
NEW!~ A night with my friends at the Taxi Club!
NEW!~ Another night with my friends at the Taxi Club!
My latest pics, including me in my new wedding gown!
Here is my weakness, I've always loved the look and feel of fur
NEW! TG FUR PAGES Lots of pics of beautiful Tgirls in fur
FUR PAGES A new page with pics of beautiful sable furs
FUR PAGES Lots of pics of beautiful furs
Here are some of my own fur pictures!
MY FUR PAGES My gallery of fur pictures
My TG Related Pages
My beautiful friends!.A girl can't get by without her friends, and i've made some wonderful friends I'm grateful this page is growing too
My Favourite TG Sites Links to some of my favourite TG sites
Beautiful women A new group of pages with pictures of some of my favourite women
BoredThings to do when you're bored silly..
My fave TG Related sites
Samantha's Home My dear friend and an inspiration, Samantha is a beautiful woman in body and soul.
JUDY comes alive!: Another wonderful lady, Judy lives in Vienna Austria,(lucky girl)
KC's Top ten..A great page with beauties from here there and
even lil' old me...
The Vanity
I am proud member #148 of this wonderful group of TG ladies,
and the site has pics of and links to, 100's of very classy T
Susans Place Transgender resources
Seahorse Society of NSW. A support group for TV's, CD's and Partners, based in Sydney.
TG Gallery Chat Rooms.A great place for a chat, you can often find me there!
No smut or commercial advertising, please..
(that includes you) have visited
my world since 12th June 1997.
Thanks for stopping by!
© 1997
Hope to see you
Yours in panti-hose
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