This page may be the one Dead Or Alive site where you will not hear 'You Spin Me Round' (in all its many incarnations) mentioned more than once or twice. To some, that may be a blessing. For all others; take this as a warning to turn back now. Dead Or Alive Boudoir Noir covers the days when the DOA sound was in its infancy, when Pete Burns was establishing himself as a rebel star while fighting comparisons to Boy George and discovering that getting his videos shown was as easy as getting Thatcher to admit that she really does wear a wig.
This site is a tribute to the making of a star and current dance music legend. Included are pre-1985 interviews, photos, and concert reviews (some material courtesy of my other home base, THE RIGHT STUFF, lyrics, discography, and sources for some of the more rare DOA material. If you missed Pete's debut at Eric's with the Mystery Girls or were too young to buy the NIGHTMARES IN WAX EP at a reasonable price, DEAD OR ALIVE BOUDOIR NOIRE was created with you in mind.
Click on the image above and buckle your seat's gonna be a wild ride...
Comments, questions, and polite critiques can be sent to Rose or Nancy.
Now Let's make history fun!!!

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