Welcome to

OK! I know what you're saying.

You're saying, "Not another transvestite on the web, for Gawd's sake."

Well listen here, Buddy.

This is my first attempt at a home page, so bear with me as I attempt to deal with the quirks of HTML and my strangely wired brain.

I was born in 1936 when the letters TV didn't even mean television. Radio sets were huge with vacuum tubes (hands up those who remember vacuum tubes) and Adolf Hitler was dropping bombs on me.

So there I was, 5 years of age, stealing my sister's panties, not knowing why, and thinking I am the only person in the world doing it.

I get hooked up to the web in 1995 and do a search for "transvestite" in Yahoo.  What do I find?

I find a home page that has had 60,000 hits. That's what I find.  There are 60,000 people just like me out there!

So, I put it to you, if you were locked in a closet for 55 years, how would you react if someone opened the door?

So, here I am, Janey Lang, poking my head out the door and peering round to see if anyone is there.

Thanks to the golden age of computers (you gotta love them) I have come a few faltering steps out of the closet and am making myself known to the world (except for the people next door and the family and the guys I work with and the postman) who would all think I was some kind of pervert.

However, my dear wife of many years knows of my cross dressing habits and is ok with it.

So, who are you? Here's what I figure....

1.   You are one of the "girls" coming to have a laugh at this primitive page.

2.  You are a "guy" who likes transvestites.

3.   You are a GG (genetic girl) who is curious.

4.   You just happened in here and are about to run off screaming.

Well, let me tell you what this page is not about.

It is not about pornography in any shape or form. Any pictures I decide to put up will be done in the best of taste and there will be no discussion of anything that you wouldn't want your kids to see.

What it will be about (if I ever get this HTML thingy figured out) is being a transvestite/crossdresser with all that that implies.

Also, I will include links (see text in brackets in above paragraph) to other interesting sites, such as the home pages of all the wonderful friends I have made on the net in my short time in cyber space.

E-MAIL  Janey!

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Or see Janey's New Book !!

Last updated on October 8, 2000
My thanks to Debbie, Jennifer, Pat, Diane and Gabrielle for helping me to create this page, to Cammie for her encouragement, and to my friend Monica who helped update the page and encouraged me to share my poetry.

have visited this page since July 1, 1999

Copyright © 2000 - Janey Lang 

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