The Lingerie Girl

When human beings were given to clothing and garments with adornments, long ago, the feminine form took to a more ornate, heuristic-form of display, now known as the very feminine form of has lace...satin, exquisitely embroidered borders of sheer tapestry...anthropologists and ethnologists in every culture have long documented the history of feminine and even male-oriented dress.....

the academy is dedicated to the spiritual liberation of every human spirit who is so spite of spite of cultural taboos and sanctions...

every year hundreds gather at the academy to pronounce their human right to express this cultural tradition...this human wear their proud manes of hair, and to express their ultimate feminine side...

the mission of the academy is to introduce each participant to his/her ultimate feminine side...even spiritual side...through the academy's exclusive feminine training program...

the founding participants and trainees realize their true femininity by wearing and modeling lingerie...the ultimate expression of feminine every every age...

such feminine training, for every jock...of N.F.L. variety...for every human professional male...for every person born genetic male or female, is liberating of spirit and body...

miss Ayers is the leader of the movement, the persona, mystical and yet real, highly anonymous, yet who is our leader...she is trained in platform lingerie technique...and with her team can transform anyone, yes, anyone, into a world-class top model,,,for ultimate expression of the feminine side...the human side...

ancillary programs include seduction-captivation training; deep psyche transformation, body-shaping, mental-training for modeling...

remember....modeling is a metaphor for gender-aware living to the fullest...lingerie modeling is the ultimate expression in this art-form as well as philosophy of awareness...

what is the opposite gender-hyperbole for does not exist...does this not suggest that lingerie modeling is one of the rarest of human skills and wisdoms...?

you are invited to attend...and change your lifestyle...and your humanness...

Miss Ayers though very attractive, and perfected, does not wish to attract every hormone-dominated- male, but rather any human spirit who truly loves the human art of lingerie modeling...the academy is dedicated to this rare but truly trans-gendered segment of the global community...she welcomes proposals for media and academy involvement in globally related events and developments...she will participate and provide example.....

You can contact me by E-mail:  


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