Her eyes sparkle! Her breath comes faster! Her heart thumps with alarming speed! If Dad only knew!
This may be obvious to most of you who may visit, however the presence of this site constitutes a major step in the continuing metamorphosis of Mandy. Watch for much more as the weeks roll on !
When one gives credit to people who have been especially helpful, one runs the risk of leaving somebody out. If that is the case here, I am truly sorry. First and formost is my SO Mary. Without her support and love...words are not enough to define her. To All of the gang in the Pink Room *HUGS*A warm thank-you to Dawn. She was my first on-line friend, and has been instrumental with technical questions, as well as being a friend. And in no particular order ...Cricket....Hi ya, Cricket : > ) Lynnette *smirk*, Kellie-Marie, Allison , Marina, Paula, Denise Renee...just that " old time Rock and Roll" , Ellen, Vera Emm...oh dear...just surf on over to the Pink Room where you will meet the nicest people anywhere on the net.
Lots of fun. Mandy want's the sun and sky, the moon and stars. Look first for better graphics and backgrounds, etc. And Pictures...yes, pictures. 6 months ago, the only thing that I could accomplish on a computer was to play video games. I had never heard of the term "HTML". Mandy was locked the closet. The people above all played an important role in getting me here. Stay tuned for Mandy's continuing coming out party!
Whats Next !
property of mandygirl@geocities.com.
people have been here since 07/27/97. I'm glad you stopped by !
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