Welcome to CapnWoof and Archer's Home Page!

This page is obviously under construction, but we thought it would be nice to put something here. Just a little page to tell you a little about ourselves:

CapnWoof (aka Tom Dekker) is 6'1", 215 lbs. From the picture below, you can see has greying brown hair, a moustache, a bushy beard (getting bushier by the day), and a woof (pony) tail that he LOVES to have tugged by big burly bears. You can reach him at dekker@concentric.net.

Archer is a 2'2", 65 lb., Black Labrador Guide Dog. He loves to romp and play with everyone (just like the Capn.)

We live in New York City and can be seen in person most Sunday's at the BearBust at the Dugout. So, if you see us, come up and pull the Capn's tail and give Archer a pet and see what happens!

Stay tuned to this page to see how it develops.

Woofs and nuzzles!