Hi. Let me tell you about myself. My name is Peter. I'm 21 years old, and I love to give good massage to guys. If your fantasy is to have a naked asian boy touching your body, you're in the right place. Oh man, you're gonna have so much fun and pleasure that you won't be able to find it from other massuers. I do not have a place, so I'll travel TO you. You don't even have to leave your house to get pleasure.
If you want to set up an appointment, please email me.


My Current Availability

Mon: 10am-3pm, 10pm
Tue : 10am-3pm, 10pm
Wed: 10am-3pm, 8-10pm
Thu : 10am-3pm,
Fri:    10am-3pm
Sat:    Email me.
Sun:   Email me.


$100 / hour of pleasure
My hobbies and interests include movie, swimming, tennis, and of course, sex.
You might wanna check out my photo and see if you like me......


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This Page is Last Modified on Oct 9, 2002