Visitors since 28th June 1997 - Site Last Updated 3rd January 1998
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Hi. My name's Nicola and I thought I'd introduce myself to the world by producing my very own web site. As you can see from my pictures I just love to wear school uniforms - I think they're so sexy in a special way! I don't wear school uniform all the time but I thought I'd dedicate my site to them as I was a tad disappointed in the lack of other transgender sites specialising in this area. Particularly considering the number of messages I get from people saying how relieved they were to finally find a site like mine on the internet.
I've been a TV for as long as I can remember. Luckily I have a girlish nose and long eyelashes which help. I remember when I was a toddler that locals used to quiz my mother whether I was a boy or girl. Funny thing is I've always felt like a girl inside and would prefer to be treated as such.
If this is your first visit to my site you may want to bookmark it or add it to your favourites. Remember to return regularly as I'm trying to add more and more pics to my photo album as time goes on. Please feel free to Email me with your thoughts and feelings regarding my site.
If you're a regular visitor to my site please accept my apologies for not being around too much over the past few weeks. I've been exceptionally busy recently what with one thing or another and simply havn't had the spare time to devote to updating the site and taking new pictures.
Anyway, I have taken some more pictures but unfortunately the quality isn't quite as good because of poor lighting conditions. I've updated a couple of my photo album pages with the new pictures. Never fear though.. I have plans to take some more as soon as I get the chance!!
Yours, Nicola
My favourite clothes:
I love to wear my uniform (as you can see from the pictures!). I particularly like box pleated skirts (or a nice gymslip) and white knee high socks. I especially like those nice tight socks that cling to your legs and keep them warm on cold days! I also love to wear white regulation school knickers with cuffed legs. I like to wear my hair long, occasionally in pig tails if I'm patient enough. One thing I still keep meaning to buy is a school hat though!
My favourite hobbies:
I like art, reading, surfin' the internet and watching movies. I'm not particularly into the club scene and I'm not a dancer at all. I'm much more of a 'homely' person though I do like to go for quiet walks. I especially like the rain! Most of all, I like to receive
Email. What do you think to my site? What do you think of me? What would you like to see here?
Other stuff...:
I like most kinds of music but I don't constantly listen to it on a personal stereo or anything. I like a lot of different kinds of food but my favourites are Thai, Chinese and [of course] pizza!
Pickles on burgers from fast food outlets, people that try to impose their personal beliefs and opinions onto others and, obviously, homework and detention!
I'd love to hear from any other T* schoolgirls out there who share the same likes as me. I'd like to exchange thoughts and experiences. Please Email me and tell me all about yourself, what you like and what turns you on the most! Please send me a picture if at all possible.
The most important thing in a relationship for me would be honesty and sincerity. I must admit that I only find girls attractive because of the clothes they're wearing - sexually I'm attracted to men and always have been. I've always felt like a girl inside, almost like I should have been a girl or maybe I was a girl in a past life or something.
However, I'm still waiting to meet 'Mr Right' for my first 'real' relationship. He would have to be gentle and sincere and know how to show affection to a girl like me.
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