The Boston Queer Asian Pacific Alliance

Founded in 1979, the Alliance, formerly AMALGM, is committed to providing a supportive social, political, and educational environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning women and men of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage (this is inclusive of A/PIs, A/PI Americans and those who are of mixed A/PI heritage). We come together to affirm our lives and to combat the isolation we face as a result of our invisibility within lesbian/gay/bisexual and Asian/Pacific Islander communities. We strive to implement a political agenda that includes organizing ourselves and working in conjunction with other groups against racism, homophobia/heterosexism, sexism, and HIV/AIDS.

For more information, write to
P. O. Box 543
Prudential Station
Boston, MA 02199

or call (617)499-9531 for the message board. For events and/or meeting time, consult Bay Windows or call our message board at (617)499-9531.

What's in Here?


Queer & Asian T-Shirts
Queer and Asian T-Shirts are available! They are only $10 for members, $12 for nonmembers. For more info, contact Matthew Chang at 965-8168, or send him email.
Questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints? Send email to
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