tiffgrrl's ballet studio

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Due to circumstances in my life, of which people who are close to me are aware, these pages have been taken offline, temporarily, for a major overhaul. It has become necessary to strip these pages of certain identifying content. I do not forsee this to be a permanent situation, as I have too much desire to help the transgender community, of which I am, and always will be, a part. If we are to survive as a gender-gifted subset of the human race, we must stick together! PLEASE do check back periodically for when these pages return!

To anyone who has a link to this page, I would appreciate your referring to me there simply as "tiffgrrl." To those who have mentioned me in stories, it is fine to keep my first name there, but please remove any references to my last & middle names. I sincerely hope that no one is offended by these requests, but I feel them necessary at this particular juncture in my life. Thank you for your understanding!

Counter grrls have been fitted with tutus since June 10, 1997!

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