Greetings and Welcome to the home page of the AIDS Memorial Ring.
The pages found on this ring are pages built in the memory of loved ones, friends, children, spouses, lovers, partner, longtime companions, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, and specially for those who have gone on unremembered by society. There are no limits to the type of memorial you choose to display all we ask is that it be sincere and your own (not copied from someone else).
The inspiration for this page comes from my wanting to memorialize my life partner and by Sage Niel, who created the original
Webring.In June of 1995. From his creation, many other rings have developed. Many thanks go to Sage for opportunity to be a part of the Webring Organization.
Select from the following items:
Here are the steps that need to be followed to join The
AIDS Memorial Ring. Please follow them closely to preserve
the integrity of the ring!
- Save a copy of the AIDS Memorial Ring graphic you see below.
- Add the below HTML fragment to your AIDS Memorial page.
Begin HTML Fragment
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End HTML Fragment
- Change the e-mail address and name so that they are your
- Make sure the fragment points to images on your own site.
The Webring link, however, should still point to /aids_memorial.
- Fill out the below form to register your site and write down the Site ID number you are assigned. This will put your page in the AIDS Memorial Ring's 'Queue', where it will remain until someone adds you to the ring. This does
not insert you in the ring; the actual insertion is done later.
Change the four references to (one on the dnring.jpg image and the other three a bit
further down) so that the id= is followed by your Site ID number. For example, if your site ID is 123, the href should be something like
E-mail the owner of an existing AIDS Memorial Ring site
and ask them to add you to the ring. Be sure to include your Site ID Number in the e-mail message. They will probably (hopefully) want to look at your page to make sure it is worthy of addition and make sure the AIDS Memorial Ring HTML fragment on your page is okay.
After checking out your page, the existing AIDS Memorial Ring site's owner will take your Site ID Number and use it to add you to the ring. You should then receive an e-mail telling you you've been added.
That's it! You should now be able to navigate the entire ring until to make it back to your own page (although it may take a while). An easy way to make sure it is working is to go to the homepage of the person who added you and see if the next button takes you to your own page.
Once you are a member of the AIDS Memorial Ring, you have the power to add other pages to the ring as well. Here's what you do:
- Type in their Site ID below and click Test.
- Try to only add pages to the ring that you think are worthy of that honor. If it is just a carbon copy of some other people's stuff, don't add it. Try to only add pages that you think will contribute to the ring community. Keeping in mind the reason this Ring exist.
- If someone asks to be added to the ring, have them make the necessary changes to their page, including all of the changes to the HTML fragment above that are necessary (e-mail address, graphics, site ID number, etc.) and
check to see that they are correct before inserting them in the ring. This will guarantee that the ring will correctly function immediately.
Retrieve a Password
If you have forgotton your password, put your site ID here and it will be
mailed to your registered email address. If you don't remember your site ID
or have changed your email address, email the Ringmaster for assistance.
If you have any questions contact:
Thank You
For Visiting
The AIDS Memorial Ring
Home Page
The AIDS Memorial Ring site owned by
Michael Angel León.
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