If any gay or lesbian couples are interested in having a civil union (legal wedding) in Vermont, I would be happy to perform the ceremony or refer you to another clergy person. (Note: Civil unions may have no legal standing in many states yet but hundreds have come to Vermont to have their love officially recognized.) If you are only able to come up on weekends or holidays, a member of my congregation is a town clerk and is happy to help you get your license. I am willing to meet with couples and bring them to a town clerk's office and walk them through the process. Here is a guide to help you plan your civil union ceremony. You may email me at - bhadash@sover.net. Here are some
gay and lesbian friendly businesses
to help you plan your visit here. Here are pictures of some
Cheryl and Keri
for whom I have performed a union ceremony. Here is
recent news
(September 27, 2008) about same gender marriage.
First, since the legal ramifications of civil unions in states other than Vermont are as yet unclear, I strongly urge couples from out of state to execute legal documents to protect themselves and their partners. The most common ones that ALL gay and lesbian couples should have are: Power of Attorney for Health Care, Power of Attorney for Finances, Living Wills, Medical Emergency Card, Relationship Agreements, Wills, Funeral Arrangements, Living (Revocable) Trusts, and Legal Precautions for Partners Who Parent.
Second, civil unions are not to be entered into lightly. The only way to get a "divorce" from a civil union is to live in Vermont for a year.
Here are some interesting links relating to civil unions.
The Vermont Guide to Civil Unions
The Vermont Secretary of State office has issued The Vermont Guide to Civil Unions, which gives requirements for obtaining a license as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
Unitarian Universalism is a non-creedal denomination where members hold many different beliefs ranging from Atheism to Christianity, and from Judaism to Paganism. Unitarian Universalism believes that love is what is essential in religion and all are welcome no matter what their individual faith or beliefs are. Based on it's principles the denomination has been a strong supporter of lesbigay equality for many years.If you are interested in my explanation of what Unitarian Universalism is, you can read my sermon on the topic. Here are some other sermons that I have written. If you wish to find out more about Unitarian Universalism in general click on the following banner.