

Is Mise

A home page of an Irish Devo livin in Belfast. I made my first ever page with the help of the lovely "Lilian Hobbs".

Singing Nuns

Check outWoman's Early Music Festival at Queens Uni. The Festival celebrates a famous nun called Hildegard. She was in charge of a convent in Bingen, near Frankfurt in Germany and composed a number of pretty groovy songs. So if you want to hear a load of women screaming their heads off..Be there! Where you may ask....

Saturday 17th October
7.30pm in Fisherwick Church, Malone Road
To find out more, visit Music@Queens.qub.ac.uk

Favourite Music

No, not another bloody one into KD. Well Ive seen her play live twice now and she's bloody marvelous. So her best stuff is:

ABSOLUTE TORCH & TWANG -- "Trail of Broken Hearts" & "Pullin Back the Reins"
DRAG -- "The Air that I Breathe" & "The Joker"

Other favourites are Joni Mitchell,