I Ain't Famous, But I am Gay!

I Ain't Famous

But I am Gay!

No I ain't Famous but I am gay
I live my life by night and sleep by day
My names not Ellen
Nor is it Anne
But I am gay, well I'll be Damned!

Yes I ain't famous but I am Gay
Will I have my own show one day?
If your name is Ellen
Or if it's Anne
I gotta say I don't give a damn......

So Hello Oprah
Can I be on your show?
Cause I ain't famous
But the world's gotta know

That I ain't famous..............

But I am Gay!! 8)

Wanna know what I just read and if it's any good? Check it out, Updated Often LOL!
Last Weeks reviews!
The short list of reviews! Missed one? Check here.
The Great Tamagotchi Experiment!
Help us apprehend this woman VBWEG
Meet Barb aka Zodiac! See some more of her work VBG
Yes Canucks do leave the North! Go see what happened LOL

Welcome to My PC Art Gallery! Featured Artist Barb 8)

Links to other sites on the Web

My LJ. Don't expect anything too personal as my sisters have access LOL
My Hard to find Wavs site
The Discovery Channel
The website for Canadian Lesbians resources, places to go, people to meet etc!
Access Aids Network for Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Canada.
Planet Out Kewl!
Holkham Hall of Norfolk England, A buddy of mine and her claim to fame!

Ok so here is the deal, I like Xena ok? So sue me LOL ;) As for the rest who knows I have my moments and they include many things.... whatever is stirring my passions that day you will find here on this site if I find anything I wanna share. Although this may appear rather chaotic to you it makes perfect sense to me! We all tend to run off on a tangent and I would like this site to reflect my ephemeral nature.... Not be one of those slick ultra high tech sites that forget people are people..... But as a woman I reserve the right to change my mind at a moment notice! ROFL

Welcome to update hell. I am going to try working on this page perhaps streamline some stuff and get rid of the old. I am no longer single for quite some time now but as I have been busy with real life I haven't updated in forever either. If you find a link that isn't working let me know I will get rid of it or find one that does work 8)As to the litigation I won, for those who followed my page at all LOL. My hobbies are from A to Z but I think I live eat and sleep at my computer these days...... That's about it for now you wanna know more e-mail me and I will see what I can do! >8) For those of you that asked begged and whined here is a pic VBG

Ok one little pic but it isn't MY cat it's just awful cute! LOL

In a world full of Insanity....... Here I stand

I have been hit Counter times! Kewl 8)



***WOW Look what I got in da mail!!!!! Woohoo!***

OMG I got another Award! 8)

day pick

If you want one
click on the image


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