Our romance, our interests, our selves

Love, Fun, Church, Children, Garden, Recovery

Our whole lives as gay and lesbian folk take us where none have gone before.

On the way we find that "Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose."

That's french for we keep getting in the same sh**.

We are moving in here but will probably move things around for a while until we get comfortable with the lay out. So put on your hard hats and watch out. Okay. I left this project sit for many moons. Can I help it if life gets in the way of fantasy? We do know that we want to offer information and space on each of our children, for some of our varied intersts including but not limited to Gay Dadding, our Spiritual awakening as Gay Men within Christian Churches, our recovery as a family from alcoholism and drug addiction, our search for our rights as a gay men, our \ experiences as same gender couple, our planning for an exchange of vows in a ceremony of commitment and of holy union, an exploration of our interests in science fiction movies, divas and celluloid closet queens and much much more. To explore any of those interest we will ask that you click below after we create the pages for these interst areas:

Links to other sites on the Web

Gay & lesbian Parent Group of Central Ohio

© 1997 thuggfinn@hotmail.com

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