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Gordon & Lee Well, this is my little piece of cyberspace... On these pages you'll find more info about me, what I like etc....When you've finished here, why not have a look at my partner's pages here - Gordon's Homepage Sitges

Pleasure Island, Florida My name is Lee Stephens and I live in Leeds, England with Gordon. I'm 27 years old, 5'11", slim build. I have light brown hair, but quite often bleach it. At the moment, it's light brown and very short. My eyes are bluey green, I also have both ears and both nipples pierced. I would like a tattoo, but I still can't decide what to have or where to have it.

Orlando, Florida Summit Plummit, Blizzard Beach, Florida Tenerife

So you wanna know more...?

I'm originally from Ross-on-Wye, in Herefordshire and moved to Leeds in May 1995. I work for GE Capital as a Customer Service Trainer. Out of work my main hobby is music. Make sure you check out my Music Page. I enjoy cinema and videos - I like camp classics like Muriel's Wedding, Beautiful Thing, Priscilla etc. I also love Sci-Fi films, especially the Star Wars Trilogy, I enjoyed The Phantom Menace, but it's not a patch on any of the original three films. Other fave films include the Planet of The Apes films and the 'V' series. I loved Diana - what a bitch! I've never been a big Star Trek fan, but I've got into ST Voyager in a big way, so I try not to miss that - my favourite character is Seven of Nine, played by Jeri Ryan...How cool is she?! Look out for the episode called 'Someone To Watch Over Me' - the doctor falls in love with Seven and they sing a duet, You Are My Sunshine! Tenerife

Tenerife Another sci-fi classic that I like is Blake's 7. I watched this series as a child, but never knew what the hell was going on. I remember spending many a happy afternoon running through woods wearing my mum's bracelets and shouting "Ready for teleport Cally"! The entire series was released on video so maybe there is a whole new generation of kids wearing their mum's dodgy jewellery!!

I watch a lot of comedy shows as well...Julie Walters / Victoria Wood, my favourites of theirs was Pat & Margaret and Dinnerladies (check out Julie as a very flatulent Petula - the mother from hell!). I also love Ab Fab / French & Saunders, Lily Savage, Gimme Gimme Gimme, The Royle Family...the list goes on!
Another program I don't miss at the moment is
Ally McBeal, all of 'em make me laugh, but I especially like Elaine (and Billy's very decorative as well!).
A lot of people I've spoken to can't see the attraction with this program, but I'm hooked on The League of Gentlemen. You'll either love it, or think anyone who watches it is disturbed! Look out for my fave's
Tubbs & Pauline.

The mighty
The gorgeous

is my first love and I have a very varied taste in music which ranges from country classics Tammy Wynette & Dolly Parton to soul and disco divas Loleatta Holloway and Viola Wills. After Tammy's untimely death, I made a tribute to her. Another country fave is Shania Twain, I enjoy her music a lot, and can't wait to see her in concert. My absolute favourite group is Boney M...I loved their music as a child and although I was a bit embarrassed to admit it then, now I'm an out and proud Boney M fan! If you fancy a trip down memory lane then visit my tribute to lead singer, Liz Mitchell.

Gordon and I enjoy travelling - we've been to Paris, Amsterdam, Florida, Sitges, Barcelona, Dublin, Majorca, Fuerteventura and one our favourite haunts - Tenerife. I'm a bit of a sun-worshipper and love lazing by the pool or sea, preferably naked! Most of pictures around here are from some of our holidays. If you want to see bigger pictures,to visit my Barcelona, Spain

Sitges, Spain In June '98, we had a long weekend in Amsterdam...it was my first time there, but Gordon had been before, so he had some idea what to expect, but it was a complete eye-opener for me!! The weather went from glorious sunshine one minute to torrential rain the next. The city was also full of football fans - but don't ask me what match it was. We took in quite a few of the gay bars and clubs and at one point I saw a guy walking past with an armchair on his head...at least I think that's what I saw, you're never too sure in Amsterdam!

In September '98 we went back to Florida for the second time and we're already planning the next trip! Next time we're taking bits of both our families...glutton for punishment? Probably! We visited all the main theme parks, Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, Busch Gardens etc. I suppose it's all geared towards kids, but what the hell! One of my favourite places was Gatorland - not everyone's idea of a nice morning out, but I thought it was great! London

Sitges, Spain In March '99 we chose somewhere a little different for our holiday and went to the Gambia. It certainly was different. Whilst the weather was very hot and sunny and all the sights were very interesting - the country is also extremely poor and you notice this most in the people. They were very friendly and keen to show you around their country, they also realise that tourists have money and this is really what they were after. There are reports of crime in the tourist areas, but we didn't experience anything - we did feel constantly on guard though and didn't relax the whole week.

For Gordon's birthday in July, we had a long weekend in Disneyland Paris. Obviously, the park is not on the same scale as it's Orlando brother, but the atmosphere was still fantastic. We had great weather and also took a day out to see Paris again. This was the first time we had stayed in a Disney hotel (we stayed at the Sequoia Lodge) and the attention to detail is amazing. The people who worked there were friendly and helpful, but it didn't have the "nothing's too much trouble" feel of Orlando. We're returning to DLP in December '99 for another long weekend before the christmas rush kicks in. The mother-in-law is coming this time (?!?!?). Tenerife

St. Pete's Beach, Florida

Dublin Once a week, I take a Latin American and Ballroom dance lesson with a friend. So far we've learned Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Quick Step, Fox-trot, Waltz & Jive. It's great fun and keeps me fit as well, because it's certainly not as easy as it might look! We're getting better all the time, so look out for me on Come Dancing!

Another way that I keep fit is at a local gym. I get free entry and the sauna and sunbed is free also, so it's too much of a bargain to miss! The best bonus is that I can work out while oggling those super-fit bod's! When I've been before, I've only kept it up for about a week and lost interest, but this time I've noticed bits of me getting bigger and other bits getting smaller, so I'm determined to keep at it!! Tenerife

Tenerife One of my other favourite pastimes is MEN! Gordon and I have been together for nearly 5 years, but we still have a lot of fun! Enough said....unless youme!

Don't forget to visit my MUSIC PAGES
and check out the women in my life!

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So you wanna see more...?

Then check out my...

Gordon & Lee Gordon, Amsterdam (before he met me) Gordon & Lee
Gordon & Lee Here are some pictures of
my partner, Gordon.
Check out his pages
Gordon & Lee, Blackpool, Summer 1997
  Or for enlarged pix,

to visit Lee's
Music Page

to visit
Lee's Gallery

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