
As you can tell I love the Victorian period.  Women of that time were very elegant and refined.  Don't be fooled though, this is not to say they did not have their fantasies.  They were just kept behind closed doors, kind of the way I am now; a closet CD/TV.  And like those women of that earlier time, I too have wonderful fantasies.

This site is dedicated to those fantasies and to all the special friends who have helped me to realize them.  In here you will find stories of our dreams, a little about me, links with my friends, and of course plenty of pictures.

Now let's go along and click on the areas of concern you wish to explore.  If first it is the pictures, that's fine but I hope you will come back and get to know me better than just a face in a web site.  I love e-mail and answer all who take the time to drop a line.  Enjoy and I hope we can chat sometime.

Stories and Dreams  Updated Feb 2000

        A Path Divided - Chapter 1 NEW Feb 22,2000

        A Path Divided - Chapter 2 NEW Feb 27,2000

  My Bio  Under construction

Photos of Course

        Page 1- All business

        Page 2- Casual and a little something special

Friend and Places

Like I said earlier, I love Fe-mail and will answer all who write.  You can contact me at:

      rachelc2@hotmail.com and Rachelc1@pacbell.net
         ICQ #  2797974