My Ad to the universe




This is me and my car Oslo, we both leave in Seattle, WA, and this is an un-usual sunny day at the park!

I normally don't look so stocky, I bet there was a problem at developing time.

In the background you can see the Space needle! A basic landmark of my home town.




Why the Internet!?
I guess now and days the Internet is primary being used for all kind of advertisements. As a source of communication, it is a great media, and also a great resource for finding things! My main goal is to put an ad of myself to the Universe trying to find at least one, if not several, great friend or perhaps even a partner. The way I see it? When you want to find the perfect job for you send multiple resumes to multiple companies!
Why not the same to find the right people in your life?!



Here are some links to me.

Here are some useful links:
Microsoft Internet Travel NetworkBridges traffic
CNNUS WeatherDR News




I like all kinds of movies. From comedies, to science fiction, to real life stories, I like them all. The one bad thing! I don't devote much time to actually go to the movies. I guess I would normally prefer to rent them and watch them snuggling in bed, or my sofa with a significant other! (When available)
My favorites one so far: Allien, Start Treck, Kuos, Midnight express, 2001, Powder, Made in heaven, Ghost, Fame....(will post some more as I remember them)





I work with computers all day long, and I love them. My whole life is actually centered around a couple of them. I do my finances with MSMoney, browse the web with Explorer, write to my friends and talk with them with NetMeeting, create music, you name it. My computer is my communication center to the world, it takes and handles my phone calls and faxes, and it even wakes me up in the mornings with prerecorded sounds of my preference.
I self-started couple of years ago on the field after years of college in EE. After gotten hired at Microsoft I got deeply involve with operating systems and Networks, and after endless training sessions and self study hours, I am now almost a Certified Systems engineer.






Gee! I am into all kinds, really!
Rollerblading, working out, jogging, biking, talking, dancing, tennis playing, camping, hiking, and whatever else you might want to do!.
In the past I've done basketball, gymnastics, baseball, and for a while I was also a swimmer. Can you keep up with me ??? Really! I am a very physical kind of guy, and sometimes I wonder if I would ever match that part of me up with someone else !!






Yes I've devoted a few hours to the study of Astrology. Specially when I first moved to the US, it proved to be a very helpful guide. My philosophy is, Astrology is a great map.
You can read it, study it, and analyze in many ways, as you would do with a map. Then you decide which way you want to take to go where you need to go. If you take it that way it becomes a great tool.


As a typical Gemini that I am, I took a very logical approach to it. When I first started my research I took a look at my past and analyzed it against what my new hobby stated. After a few weeks it gained my total trust, since it started to narrow me down to the bone. Then I said
"if it made so much sense for parts of my life at which point I was not under the influenced of this knowledge, then it was reasonable e to presume that it shall also make sense for what my life was at the present, and perhaps what is to become!
That's how I started to get into astrology. I remember spending hours on a Saturday morning delineating a chart, of course now I can do that with a computer in just a couple of seconds.
Now if you REALLY want to read about me, take a look at the interpretation of my chart <GO>







Who am I and what am I looking for:

My Personality:


I consider myself a normal guy, with dreams like everyone else, desires and a passionate outlook of life. I am one with the fortune of being raised by the most responsible and loving parents,(in a Spanish environment) and as a result of that, in my adult life I tend to look for relationship with the same high standard and nurturing principles.

Being a self motivated individual with very high expectations of life, I take absolute care of myself. (Body and mind) And I am very responsive and responsible in my approach to others. I am the one who wonder the intricacies of life, and much rather get deeper than the surface of frivolous interaction.

I believe in communication, true communication, perhaps the one that hurts at first or the one that is always nice to hear. To me it is essential to tell my friends when they look good or when they did good. I appreciate the beauty around me, and always express it and express love to who deserve it. Un-manipulated truth is an important sign of respect and appreciation for all human being, and I seriously stick to that believe.

The Physical part of me:


I am an exotic mixture of Italian, Spanish and black/mestizo Caribbean, not a pretty face white boy! (If that is what you are looking for). Just an attractive, masculine Caribbean type of guy with lots of spice and zest!
I am about 5'10" height, dark hair, dark eyes and weight around 180lbs. Since Seattle is a 4 months out of the year summer town, I've concentrated most of my physical energy in working out at the gym with regularity. Now when the sun brighten our days for 16 hours during those summer months, you'll find me doing all kinds of things out there. Tennis, which I've gotten into in the last few years, is now my favorite, but you name it! I am always ready for a good challenge.
I also believe in not only developing the body but the soul as well, so I combine all this physical activity with regular meditation to achieve that goal
For partner I actually prefer tall Germanic blond/blue eye, although most of my lovers had been dark hair. Go figure! Hey! When loves knocks your door you just answer OK!

What I am "REALLY" looking for:


I believe in 3 types of connection:
(This last one NOT meaning just looks but more so chemistry).
2 Types of Categories:
A) For friends, the first two connection types should be present.

B) For romantic endeavors all three of them.

When I meet someone that satisfy either (A) or (B) I start a process of nurturing the new relationship like you would a child or a plant you care and hope for. Hopefully if the other person is intuitively aware of this will devote the time and care the new potential relationship deserve, and this will mark the beginning of a great journey. The big problem is that most people will only care for the physical look. Not even looking into the chemistry involve, but stooping at the mere plastic level. This is what I mean by frivolous interaction. Not devoting the time and care for such potential relationship most of us cross each other like ships in the night, creating misconceptions and false opinions about the other. (EXCUSES)

Believe me, the physical is the last one in priority and the easiest one to satisfy, I certainly take my time to dig into the first 2 before I move on. Eventually for a love relationship to work the 3 of them most be present, but most of the times all it takes is just practice, and patience.


Now reach me and tell me about you:


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