
Welcome to the home page of Swee-Beng and Kerry. We have chosen the name Jetavana for our site because this was the name given to a pleasure-garden which was donated to the Buddha and his monks as a residence during the rainy season. The Buddha is said to have resided there for the rains retreat for the last quarter of his life. He gave teachings in this park to lay people as well as to monks and nuns. We hope you will find this a pleasant grove in which to rest, reflect and grow towards peace and happiness. We live in Sydney, Australia, but we hope to reach out through these pages to old and new friends in any part of the world. May you all find refuge in the Triple Gem of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha, and may all beings be well and happy on the path to liberation.


The Destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan (April 2001)

A Short History of Buddhism in Australia (November 1996)

A Short History of Buddhism in Malaysia (June 1999)

The Unity of Faiths - A Buddhist Perspective (October 1996)

Some Important Differences between Buddhism and Other World Religions (March 2000)

Right Conduct in Buddhism (September 1997)

The International Flag of Buddhism (August 1997)

Buddha Rupa: notes on popular images of the Buddha (October 1999)

Homosexuality and Buddhism (July 1996)

Book Reviews (September 1997)

Important Buddhist Festivals: Vesak (December 1996)

Important Buddhist Festivals: Manjusri Day (December 1996)

The Bodhisattva Ideal (November 1997)

The Buddhist Perspective on War and Peace (May 1999)

The Importance of the Buddha's Discourses (May 1999)


Australian National Church Life Survey (May 1997)

Growth of Buddhism and other religions in Australia - Summary (September 1997)

Growth of Buddhism and other religions in Australia - Statistics (September 1997)

The Dalai Lama's views on homosexuality (June 1997)


Sadhu! The Theravada Buddhism Web Directory

© 1997



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