C.M.Ralph (just call me Cathy)

"We are the heirs of our own actions."

Writer & Illustrator / Lesbian Humorist / Filmmaker / Animator
Creative Genius

Credits and Bio

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
-Thomas A. Edison

click here to go to the studio


Life is 5% what happens to you and 95% how you choose to deal with it.

Registered Copyright 1996 C.M.Ralph
This web site and all its contents are protected by copyrights.
Please ask before you copy any files. - Thanks

"I am free to live my life as I choose because
I believe that what other people think of me is none of my business."

*Signs of the Times!*

My Bizarre Links Collection (A MUST SEE!)

Article: The Laughing Lesbian

Article: To Read or not to Read

Article: Turning Right

Article: Lesbian Dating 101

CSI - Only thing I watch on TV! Welcome to The Castro! Search_Engine PlanetOUT San Francisco Gate
PC Gamer Magazine Gaycom Lesbian Links Art Bell
The X-Files Astrology Movies Q-World
GLAAD Bay Area Live cams

This is The Funniest Web Site I've Ever Visited

If you've visited me before - and haven't emptied your Netscape cache folder-

You'll need to "RELOAD" in order to see the latest changes.

align=center> This site gets updated whenever I get around to it. -Thanks for stopping by.


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