![]() ![]() Welcome to the Web Site of the IRC channel #uktv. Established in March 1996, using the irc net Efnet, by Francesca and Nikki, the channel began life as a refuge from a crowded and sometimes hectic #crossdress. Since then, it has developed into an important source of help and support in it's own right for the (mainly) UK Transgendered community. If you found this page by accident or don't know what IRC is or how one accesses it, you should read this information on IRC itself. It really does have links to everything a beginner needs to get started with IRC. Including a complete list of IRC Servers. If you have never connected to IRC before, reading those documents is highly recommended! IMPORTANT#UKTV Has a new private irc server #uktv Rules & PoliciesWhilst not wishing to inhibit conversation in any way, it must be stressed that #uktv is first and foremost a help and support channel NOT a sex channel and attempting to use it as such will not be tolerated. If you wish to indulge in Netsex, Pickups or Trading Pics, please use the channels which exist for that purpose. Not #uktv!We have these rules and policies, not because we are prudish or fuddy-duddies, but because we believe that people shouldn't have to put up with unacceptable behaviour if they don't want to. #uktv has been declared a Netsex-Free Zone. If you are not happy with the policy, then don't join. You have been warned! In #UKTV you will find helpful and understanding people who are there if you just want a chat or need advice and support. What you won't get is ridicule, netsex, pic trading or horny net geeks constantly trying to hit on you Apart from the no sex policy, there are no hard and fast rules, but we would like it if you kept within these guidelines. Not all of which are entirely serious :)
IRC & #uktv FAQs
The AnswersIs there an irc split?At the moment EFNet is split for "political" reasons. There appears to be no obvious end to this conflict in sight, and for the forseeable future, EFNet is two completely separate nets. #uktv lives on the "European" side [IRCnet], which consists of most of the British and European servers, and irc.stealth.net. The "American" side consists of the USA, Canada, and Japan.Which IRC server should I use?To log into IRCnet, UK users have four main server options options -
Users on this side of the Atlantic wishing to talk to the USA have a number of options including -
Users on the far side of the Atlantic are generally limited to irc.stealth.net to get onto this side. What are EFnet, Undernet and Dalnet?There are three main IRC networks you can log onto, EFnet, Dalnet, and Undernet.EFNet (Eris Free) was, before the split, the largest IRC network with about 8000 online users on average and is a very popular IRC network Undernet was the first real alternative to the EFnet. It is considered by some to be the friendly IRC. The Undernet has grown in size rapidly and now boasts a user base similar to EFNet. DALnet was created by EFnet's startrek users but Dalnet stress that it's not just for trekkers anymore. DALnet is the only IRC that enables people to have nicknames as long as 30 characters (most IRCs permit only 9). What is the #uktv channel for?The channel was set up for people in the UK to discuss and find support for transgender issues., but welcomes visitors from any country.While the channels name suggests that the channel is for transvestites, any person, regardless of if they are a transvestite, transexual or not, are welcome. About the only limit is that you are friendly and want to talk about transgender issues in the UK. What does 'uktv' stand for?What is doesn't stand for is United Kingdom Television! If you feel a need to discuss last night's 'Coronation St', I would suggest #uktv is not the channel to indulge your need - unless, of course, you are a crossdresser as wellAre all the people there TV or TS?No, although they make up the majority of the people who hang out there. There are quite a few Real Girls (RG) and men who don't dress. They may just be interested in the people who do dress or know somebody who does and what to find out more from people who do. If you do have any questions, feel free to ask them on channel and you will probably receive answers of the people there, and maybe several. While many of the people on the channel are male to female TVs, female to male TVs or TS are equally as welcome. Are there any other channels for uk T* elsewhere?There are a few channels for T* , but apart from #tvsex they tend to be very infrequently used. Before the Efnet split, #crossdress was THE crossdressing channel but no longer attracts many users. Similarly with #transgen. #uktv and #tvsex are the main T* channels.Is it me, or is it quiet in here?#uktv is available 24 hrs a day, but before 9.30pm or after 4am you might find you are the only person on the channel. Most of the regular users log in around 10.30pm until early morning and on Sat evening the chat may go on most of the night. ??? lagWhy did I get kicked/banned?The channel enforces a No Netsex, No Pickups policy. Ignoring this will get you kicked/banned usually, but not necessarily, after a warning Being on any of the following types of channels will get you banned immediately without warning or recourse -
Who is in charge of this channel?The regulars.Can I have ops?If you have to ask, then no.What do I have to do to get operator status?The chanops on #uktv had been regularly using the channel for some time before acquiring channel operator status. As people get to know you, over a period of days or weeks, you may find that they start opping you. Or they may not - it depends what sort of impression you make.Do these people ever actually see each other?Yes. Either at the weekly Northern Concord support group meetings, other support groups or on an individual basis after getting to know others on the channel.Are there any real girls on #uktv?Not as many as we would like.![]() Go to
![]() ![]() ![]() Its the inevitable hit counter. ![]() |