ValleyPRIDE is a welcoming and informal social gathering of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and two-spirited persons who are out and about in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada.

We welcome all like-minded persons (local and visiting) to join us.

The ValleyPRIDE Coffee House meets on the second-floor of The Coffee Merchant (up the stairs, to your left, across for the hair salon), 334 Main Street, Wolfville, each Tuesday night, from seven to about nine in the evening. Just buy a coffee (or whatever) at the counter and join us upstairs.

Apart from coffee and conversation, the regulars at ValleyPRIDE organize mixed and separate social and recreational events, including dances, hikes, games, and other activities, listed below in our ValleyPRIDE Calendar.


"Tired of the bar scene?" was how Heather wrote the announcement for "Connections," a bimonthly newsletter for women in Nova Scotia. That was in June of 1996. The first coffee-house officially began when Meg and Heather tipped their java mugs in hopes that other women would find the announcement and respond. After all, summer was upon us!

Summer arrived . . . and so did the women! Those who responded to the announcement went tubing on the Gaspereau River, swam, ate great BBQ, took a hike to Cape Split, and planned women's dances with great turnouts.

October arrived, and a new twist to the group began. About 13 women and 3 men gathered informally at a cafe in Wolfville to sip hot drinks and chat about ways to bring our lesbian and gay community together without the "bar scene." A coffee house seemed the perfect idea since winter was edging in. Regular social hours and days were established by the group, a safe and public space was located for gathering, and posters were placed in various locations in the province. Word spread quickly. Within weeks, there were more than 30 men and women at ValleyPRIDE coffee-house, doin' coffee and tea and talking, creating a buzz that hasn't stopped since...a buzz that continues to draw folks from around the valley and province.

With time, we donned the name ValleyPRIDE and our coffee-house social expanded to include gatherings for women only, men only, and men and women together-a comfortable arrangement that seemed to satisfy everyone's need for various group settings.

ValleyPRIDE goers welcome everyone to all social events-bring your new ideas to help plan creative activities! Join us! Find our schedule of events and coffee-house times on this web page.

Last but not least, a small group of ValleyPRIDE goers are beginning to organise thoughts about ways to make our communities more gay positive, especially for gay youth.

Perhaps reaching out to our own communities will help others understand that being gay is neither a crime nor a lifestyle. That it is neither a condition to be fixed nor a sin to be forgiven. Rather, being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered IS about being human and being accepted as we are, with talent, skills and knowledge that contribute to building communities around the world.

Perhaps reaching out to our own communities will help us believe in ourselves.


ValleyPRIDE Scheduled Events:

  • June 2nd, 2001
    Blossom Dance: Starting at 9:00pm and continuing until 1:00am. Come one, come all and take part in the Annual Blossom Dance with us from ValleyPRIDE. Smell the freshness in the air! The tickets will be on sale at the door for $5.00 or a donation. (LIMITED to the first 110 persons)

  • July 4th, 2001
    Hike to Cape Split: Let's get together once again to revitalize your spirt and a little added exercise.
    Mixed Dances: Start at 9:00pm and continue until 2:00am. Tickets are on sale at the door for $5.00 or a donation. (ROOM CAPACITY LIMITED to the first 110 persons)

    [Note: the above information may change. Please check again before attending the events. Or email one of us for updates.]

    The Horton Community Center is located in Grand Pre, on the main road (the old No. 1 Highway), between Wolfville and the 101 exit, just past Irving. On the night of a dance, the driveway will be marked with lots of balloons and a pink triangle.


    Annapolis Valley News

    Here are some MORE things the Annapolis Valley has to be proud of.

    Halifax News

    WOMYN.... There is an ongoing THERAPY GROUP for lesbian/bisexual womyn which is presently welcoming new participants. It takes place in Halifax on Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8 pm. Co-facilitators are Georgina Chambers(422-3711) and Leah Caitlin(425-0294). Or you can call Linda for more information at 542-1047.

    (There is also a group for men, and trauma survivors.... more info to follow)


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  • Concerning Valley Pride, contact:
    Mike Giffin at,
    or Bill Nickerson at