Jamie Lynn (BI/TV) - Phoenix, AZ
Hello Everyone!
My name is "Jamie Lynn" and I live in Phoenix Arizona.
Welcome to me!
I am unsure what I will use this area for except as an information area on myself and some of my interest's.

Let's see, where do I start?

Personal Stats:

37 years (in this life)
5'11" (depending on the time of day and such)
195 (at the moment, considering dropping to 160 or so)
Blond hair (kept fairly short)
Blue eyes
I am clean shaven (most everywhere)
Fairly good shape (could always be better)
Male (you could say that, I guess, at least biologically and most of the time)
Divorced, Single parent (been there, done that, living it)
Bi-sexual, TV, TS (something along those lines, having lots of fun discovering)
Religiously if I must label, I would have to say non-Judeo/Christian pagan type. I am a
    spiritual person and becoming more so each day. I contemplate "Divinity/God" everyday.
I also consciously attempt to practice and improve my beliefs daily.
(I seem to be almost as eclectic spiritually as I am sexually)
Politically I am not a Republican (though I tend to be conservative), I am not a Democrat
    (though I believe in individual freedom and expression). Mostly I believe that Government
    should be as unobtrusive as possible in an individuals life, while attempting to guarantee a
    "level" playing field for individual ingenuity and providing a safe and healthy environment for
    this and future generations.
I believe in personal/individual responsibility. The "Devil" (not one of my beliefs) made me do
    it is a "crock...", and other such responsibility shifting statements.
(This Soap-box keeps "Magickly" appearing )


Oh, they vary a lot. I'll probably create a link-page for that in the future. A large one right now
    would be to meet other like minded individuals, couples, groups, etc.... (That eclecticism
    thing again) for fun, friendship, whatever.

OK, I think that this is a good begining (at least I hope so). As I think of something else to put here,
    "I Will".

So for the moment I will leave it for the future to unfold.

Contact me at jamiephx@geocities.com lets have some fun!

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