My Little Home
Welcome to my little slice of CyberSpace. This is a place for me to express myself and to share with friends (known and unknown) a bit about me. So come on in, look around, slam the doors, have some chocolate and otherwise relax.
This place deals with me and my life. One of the key aspects of me that you will discover, is that I am transgendered. That means that I am a guy who like to dress in womans clothes. It actually is much more complex than that, but you get the general idea. If the thought of a guy wearing female attire upsets you, leave now. It is not my desire to offend only to be honest to who I am.
I would like to make a public thank you to that strange group of people that came up with the concept for the world wide web. The web has saved my sanity. For so long I thought I was the only one who felt this way (sound familiar girls). Access to the web have been liberating and soul nourishing. Thank you Web makers for saving my life.
To all the wonderfull people that I have met, Thank you. It is wonderfull to meet so many who are willing to share their experience and their hearts. To all of you I say

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