et voila ! C"est Moi ! (SITE BEST VIEWED WITH NETSCAPE. IE does not properly understand html.)

I got a tourist to take my pic at the Queen's house on my last visit. There are 600 rooms in her humble London residence. I stayed in room 599.

I'm still in Colorado Springs - still trying to move away from here! Now I also have a place in Denver! So my escape from Colo Springs is imminent !

I graduated and received my MBA in Project Management and a Masters of Scienc in IT management. I am now looking for new job and it will NOT be in Colorado Springs!

Looking to get back into computer programming, or systems analysis. (2005)

I updated my programming skills. (2001)

September 2008, with some of my art.

Hi I'm Bradley.
I signed up on 03/13/96 18:43:55.

My interests are:
Travel, gems, foreskin, mainframes, science, Europe, politics, making forced (infant) circumcision illegal!

The description of my page is:
A place to exchange information. Or perhaps a place I can meet someone?

My residence.

Sept 2007: My most recent 'home improvement' project! A long anticipated re-vamp of the used-to-be garage.

Hillbilly Chic... ;-)

My house... the pets... etc.

My pics

If you're curoius... this is the real me

Me at 26! ;-)

If I were a car... ;-)

Hmmm, it says I look at...

My INTACTIVIST score... ;-)


I am a single male in my late 40's. 5'10" 145# brn/brn (picture below) I sold my motel in Oklahoma 1999. Moved back to the Springs (where I still had a house). I had been considering teaching English as a foreign language in order to gain the experience of living abroad. (I'm over that now...)

I have been a programmer and a systems analyst. Now I have advanced degrees and I am looking for a management job. I returned to school to upgrade my computer skills in 2000/2001. I am accustom to programming COBOL on Mainframes. Along those lines my next course of action is to see about returning to programming, but this time in Europe. If any one knows how to go about this, an e-mail message would be greatly appreciated! :-)

Latest news:

September 2008: STILL job hunting. I hope to find something before the economy completely collapses!!

June 2008: Yeeaaa! I graduated with straight A's!

Feb 2008: Ya, well, that didn't work. Once again, outsiders were not allowed to apply at the IRS job. :-( Still in school though. I'm on schedule to graduate with my MBA and a Masters in Information Systems Management.

October 2007: I got word that the IRS will be hiring again next year. I will try one more time! This time I'll have my Masters degrees though - hope that helps.

September 2007: Colorado Springs had their 8th anual gay film festival. ( It is held at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. This is my yearly highlight. I get to dress up in my fancy clothes!

September 2006: Colorado Springs had their 7th anual gay film festival. ( We have it in an historical venu. The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. This is my yearly highlight. I get to dress up in my fancy clothes!

June 2006: I dint' get the IRS job. Very disappointed... not sure what to do next.

Feb 2006: I finally got my interview with a government agency!! So I'm planning a move back to the D.C. area!

March 2004 Change of plan, trying to find a job in the Fed government. Time to get something that will be permanent and give me a retirement! Went to the Fed job fair in Denver with a friend. Unfortunately, most all the jobs were physical -as in Border Patrol or Fed Agent, etc.- or a desk job that required skills I do not posses. Still looking for an IT position that will take me!!

Feb 2003 Well, I finally got a job. Not what I wanted, but in the economy of Colorado Springs, one takes what one can get! I just signed on with 7-11.

Summer 2002 Still no progress on getting a job in the programming field. Those jobs seem to be evaporating. I am currently trying to re-focus. That is difficult. It is hard to face the thought that one must leave a profession one was so comfortable with.

April 2001 I have graduated from the certification program. I am now officially a "new" programmer!! The notion of "object oriented" programming would have been a lot easier to catch on to if the introduction had informed me that it is nothing more than "real time" programming. Something that us "old time" programmers have been doing for decades!! :-) Time to start the job search! In between taking care of the family business that is....

Dec 2000 I went to Matla for the turning of the new year/century/millinium! Malta has the worlds oldest free standing structure. It even predates Stonehedge. It is much like Stonehedge, but a bit smaller. I also visited catacombes there, which was a first for me.

I was also there for the New Years. I went to a local Maltese party. My friend and I were the only two who didn't speak Maltese, so no big woopie. But being in Europe for the turn of the century was more of a symbolism for me. An omen of good fortune that I'll wind up there!

Aug '99 The Total Eclipse is quite and experience! The beauty of the pink and white effects of the corona during the totality is amazing. The stillness that overcomes the countryside is unique. I went to Bucharest to view it.

May '99 I am making plans to visit either Bucharest or Budapest to view the TOTAL ECLIPSE in Aug!!

May '99: I am currently making plans to go to either Bucharest, or Budapest for the LAST TOTAL ECLIPSE of the century!

Sept 98: Now I'm on a quest to get a work permit for one of the countries because surfing the net, I have discovered that there are jobs in computer programming if I can get a work permit!!

Aug '98: The trip was great! The Concorde flight was FABULOUS! Traveling at MACH2 is the WAY TO GO! That's what flying OUGHT to be like! The QE2 is the queen of cruise ships, I guess. But all in all, far too stuffy a crowd 'pour moi'.
Email me from the link below in the meantime.

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Please come back soon and visit me.

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