Karen's Place

My Home in Cyberspace
"...and then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud vase was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -- Anais Nin
We've got a LOT of changes here this time! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get to doing this, but I've just been very busy. Why have I been so busy, you ask? Oh, just a little thing like having my SRS back in mid-September. Yup, I DID IT! After a lot of years, and a lot of pain, it finally happened for me. I'm now all the woman I can be in this lifetime, and loving every minute of it! *BIG SMILE* These last four months have been nothing short of crazy for me, and I'm sure some of you can understand why. Others will also understand when their own time for SRS comes, but you'll learn about that first-hand, so I won't spoil the surprises (unless you ask me). *giggle* In any case, I guess I'm beyond what most would consider the "TS stage" of this, and into the fully transitioned side. I can't begin to tell you just how good that feels. I shall, however, try to do that soon. I carry on an email correspondence with a number of girls, and over the last few years, have saved many of the bits and pieces I've written about what's happened to me to get where I am today. I'm now trying to put all that together in a cohesive manner, so anyone interested can read through it. When it's done, I'll post it all here, maybe even with icons and indexes. That's in the near future, though. For now, please make yourself as much at home here as possible.
-- Last updated: 7 January 1998 --
Just to get things started, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a Transsexual. I began life in an old male form, and in mid-September of 1997, had SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery), allowing me now to be all the woman I can be in this lifetime. ;)
As to the personal things about me, I'm post-op TS, 34 years old, 5'6" tall, and 34B-27-33 with slender legs, long brunette hair, and sparkling hazel eyes. I'm told I have a nice tush as well. *giggle* I started dressing when I was about 13 years old, and eventually went to living all of my private life, except for work, as a woman when I was 22 years old. I did have a couple of small jobs as a woman when I was in my early twenties, but I could always make more money if I wore a "male costume" for work. ;)
I both live and work as a woman full-time now, of course, and I've been doing that for a while. I work as a real estate agent here in North Carolina. It's a good job, and since I got the job as a woman, no one there knows me as anything else. That saves a lot of problems during Transition as any girl who has had to do it in an existing job can tell you. ;)
I like all the usual things any girl does like cooking, crocheting, fashion, reading, history, long drives in the country, and that sort of thing. I once had aspirations of being a dancer, but that never came to much. I took a bunch of lessons, and once even did the chorus of an Off-Off-Broadway play that closed after two performances, but that was as far as it went. I still love to dance, though, and just about any music will get me moving. ;)
That's the short version of my story, but there'll be more here eventually. Like I said, I'm just getting started with this HTML stiff, and I don't know much about it yet. I'll learn, though. I'm pretty fast at things like that. ;)
There are links of all sorts below, but if you're looking for TV/TS pictures, you probably won't find what you seek here. These links are designed to give the full experience of being in touch with the same world every other woman is. This is my world now. Please stand by me in it.
Links to Transgender resource sites:
If you need to know anything at all about being Transgendered, no matter if you are yourself or know someone who is or are just curious, you'll find all sorts of useful information in these links. They're all worth visiting.
The TG Guide
Michelle's Mid-Day Break
The Vanity Club
The Transgender Forum
The Dream Mall - The ultimate source for everything from information to clothing!
The Tri-Ess Group - Information on the foremost TG organization in the country
The Schrang Clinic in Neenah, Wisconsin
The Montreal SRS Clinic
SRS Results - Photographs of, and information on, surgery results.
Dr. Ann Lawrence, MD - Transgendered Women's Resources
The Real Life Test - Information on preparation for SRS
Herbal TV - Information on Herbal Hormone Replacement Therapy
Intellegence Resources catalog of graduated stents
Email for Endocrinologists - You'll have to judge this for yourself
Links to general resource sites:
Part of the fun of being a girl is looking beautiful, but many of us don't know all the tricks to doing that. These links can help. In them you'll find product descriptions from cosmetics companies, tips on how to apply makeup, hairstyles, wig sources, and even catalog sales for those of us who can't get to the store on our own.
Breast Enhancement:
Curves the best breast forms on the planet! Check this out!
The Cosmetic Connection
WomensLink - Beauty Central
Revlon cosmetics
Cover Girl cosmetics
Clinique cosmetics
The Body Shop
Avon cosmetics
Mary Kay cosmetics
Makeup Rules - Some good, common sense rules for using makeup
Cathy's Cosmetics - How to use makeup properly!
Internet links to cosmetics companies websites
Telephone numbers for cosmetics companies around the world
Dr. Kemsley's Skin Care Information
C.W.Originals - essential oils for perfumes and aromatherapy
Precious Collection - essential oils for perfumes and aromatherapy
Hairstyles and Haircare:
Vidal Sassoon hair care products
The Dream Wigs Collection
The Wig Outlet
Hair, Hair, Hair
The Hair Net - All you need about hair
The Long Hair Site - Would you like long and beautiful hair? Look here.
Aldernet Mall - Hair Accessories
Books about hairstyles and styling
Body FX (if you like the stranger side of hairstyles)
Peluquerias Hairstyles Magazine
Shopping (most include online catalog services):
Bloomingdale's Department Store
Boot Hill Country - Western and leather clothing
The Catalog Site - Every catalog you can imagine!
The International Diamond Exchange - A girl can never have enough of these
Dickies casual clothes - Try different looks on the image of a model to see what you like best
The Dress Barn Stores
Oh, So Dressy Stores
Silver Lining - Larger sized stockings
Express Stores - Better than most
Top Drawer - Name brand hosiery
Frederick's of Hollywood - You'll want to buy the whole catalog
The Gap Stores - Jeans and all that other stuff
Jade - Larger sized lingerie
J. C. Penney's Department Stores
K-Mart Stores - Go virtual shopping in their online store
Lane Bryant Stores - Larger sizes in women's clothes and shoes
Laura Ashley Stores - Go through the home area to get to the clothes
L'eggs Online Store
Lingerie.Com - Still under construction
Macy's Department Stores
Neiman Marcus Department Stores
M.T.Imports - Leather clothing and accessories
Hanes Clothing - lingerie and hosiery
Panty of the Month - Actually, so very nice stuff here
Paul Harris Stores - Not much shopping, but interesting
Peggy Lutz + Plus - Larger sizes women's clothing
Shoe Styles - Larger sized shoes
Speedo - Leotards and other such things
The Spiegel Catalog
Rebecca's Mom Leotards - Want to be a dancer?
Wal-Mart Stores - I just had to have them here too
Bikinis - It's supposed to be fashion swimsuits soon
Andriana Furs
Fur Online
The Fur Industry in America - Trade association for the furriers
Fashion Designers:
Jane Ellen - Custom dressmaker
Donna Karan - Fashion house
Nicole Miller - Fashion house
Lillie Rubin - Fashion house
Magazines Online:
Cosmopolitain Magazine Online
Elle Magazine Online (France)
Radiance Magazine - A fashion magazine for larger-sized women
Romance novels by Suzanne Forster
Weight Loss - A very nice website dedicated to helping us loose a few pounds
E-Zee Vision Eyewear
Gumps Department Store - It's in this section because they don't sell clothes
L'eggs Women's In-Site
The Hollistic Internet Community - To help us stay well to enjoy all the rest here
Links to celebrity websites and other features
The Tigress - Links to sites about furry creatures
Weight Watchers - Not able to get into that dress? Stop here!
The Integral Health Network - We all should be healthy
Women Space - Links and resources for women
The Women's Wire
Kevin Zwack Photography - Modeling tips for general use
If you're going to do it, and I know you are, I want you to be safe in every way. There's important information here that will save your life. I want you to be able to come back to visit here often.
Condom Country - Information, FAQs, and condom sales
Safe-Sex - Links to all sorts of vital Safe-Sex information and techniques
Links to my friend's sites:
Last, but FAR from least, these are my special friends in cyberspace. I correspond regularly with most of the people listed here, and know them to all be caring abd beautiful individuals. I think you'll like them too.
Pamala's Page
Vera Emm's Page
Adrian Robert's Page
Tiffany Michelle
Sarah Williams
Barbara Zell
Fun Places:
Links to places that are just fun to go. Just have fun with them!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Website - I've always seen myself as Janet Weiss
Places to Avoid:
Links to places we should avoid, but can't help going anyway. Don't say I didn't warn you! Just remember to visit the diet links when you're done here.
Domino's Pizza
Haagen-Dazs Icecream - My personal, number one downfall!
Pizza Hut
You can also email me at karen-ts@geocities.com if you'd like to talk about anything at all.
- B A B E S -
If you've gotten all the way through all those links, and bought the right things, followed the right steps, and learned all the right information, you're probably as close to being a Babe as you can be. It's time to try it out. Give a click below, and see how you measure up to:
The Babe Rules
I guess you've waited long enough if you've read all the way down to this point. This is a picture of me. I hope you like it.

This picture was part of a modeling session I did for a friend a while back. We had this scanned just for fun, and then the others were lost when a storm broke a hole in my roof. This is by way of telling you I don't have any others at the moment. I do, however, plan to get a full layout done by a professional photographer one of these days, and I'll be SURE to post copies here when I have them.
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