BD is your Average College Graduate
Thanks for visiting my home page! This page will give you alittle insight into what makes The Amazing BD so darn Amazing. BD is actually short for Bushdyke. I have had many people ask me what this means. It's not as bad as the things that people have asked me. Really. Bushdyke simply combines 2 fun and important aspects of my life. Bush was a name given to me as part of a ritualized drinking ceremony. It is a reference to a former haircut that I sported. (picture now available) The dyke part is pretty darn obvious. If you have a problem with that then you don't have to visit my page again.
I'm a 23, soon to be 24, year old technical theatre person extraordinare at a very interesting point in my life. I graduated a little over a year ago from a tiny little school in VA called Longwood College. I go back to visit when I can because I left many friends behind when I graduted. Two of my best friends are Sam and Jeannette. They are my grandchildren through my former fraternity, Alpha Psi Omega, the National Dramatic Honor Fraternity. They are two really great girls and I will probably talk about them more along the way.
When I graduated from school, I decided to move back home with my parents. This decision has had it's good and bad points. I would have to say that I am happy living at home. This does not mean that I will never move out, although my mom seems to be thinking towards the contrary.
I feel the need to talk about one of the greatest developments in my life right now. After many long years of struggling with a conflict between my sexuality and my belief in God and wondering whether or not I could ever find an excepting church, I finally did. I made a full renewal of faith with God and it has been the best thing that could ever happen to me. If you have any questions about my walk with Jesus feel free to email me with them. If you have any questions at all about walking with the Lord also feel free to ask me at anytime. I want to be able to tell the world and the gay community that there are good Christians about there that do not judge a person based on their sexuality and even accept homosexuality as part of God's plan for the world and His people.
I suppose that I should talk about my family now. They are NUTS! I do love them anyway. First my mom. She looks out for my well being by being the world greatest nag. I once asked mom if she could back off the nag for one night. Her response to that was, "I can't, I haven't gone to sleep yet."
My father is a walking oxymoron. He's a . When my dad was younger he had quite a reputation as a wild man or so he would like us to believe. Then he joined the Marine Corps and they straightened him out(yeah right). They just gave him more productive and less destructive ways of expressing his creativity. He is really great and I love him alot. They make a cute couple and they spawned some pretty terrific kids. ME! and my sister. That's it. No more. Just us.
I decided that since I love my sister so much that I would devote an entire paragraph to her. She's great. She wants to be just like daddy and is now wrapping up her third year of law school at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. It's in Sacramento, (California btw) (for those of you whose geography is bad). Hang on just a sec. I'm checking to see if there is a link to her school. *disappears in a puff of smoke*
*returns after many hours of toil* I knew I could find it although it took forever and a day practically to get to it. This is where Steffi (my sister) studies to be a new shark.
Steffi is graduating in May and we are going out to see the main event. She wants to join the Navy after she takes the dreaded California Bar Exam. She wants to work for the JAG corps, but it's nothing like the TV show. I'll put a link to it at the bottom when I find it.
I should also mention one really cool thing I got to do last August. I took a second job for one month. Not cool you say? Wait til you find out where it was I worked. I worked as a driver for a place called Wolf Trap Farm Park. It's a National Park for the Performing Arts in Vienna, VA. Pretty cool huh? I got to meet some famous people and do some interesting work. My sister says I'm ready for LA, but I think I'll wait for a while.
 | I put this picture in just for my sister because she loves the Dilbert Comic Strip so much. This little guy is Ratbert. |
EEKK!!!!! It's a spider! KILL IT!!KILL IT!! I had to put that in in honor of my Best Friend, Melanie Bramble(soon to be Trent) a.k.a Tyler Raven. Look for Tyler's books coming to the bookstore near you in the next couple of years. He's quite Talented, weird, but Talented. Tyler resides on Paris, Mars, and in Baltimore, Maryland. I should update ya'll on that soon to be Trent thing I mentioned earlier. I'm sure you can guess that Melanie is getting married. Halloween no less! Well, who better to be the Maid of Honor than the dyke who introduced the happy couple. That's right you guessed it! ME! And what does the bride want me to wear? A tuxedo! Of course. Melanie is great. If she had an email address I'd link her, but she doesn't so I won't. That's all for now.
I've finally got the pictures I've been promising forever now, so just take a look. Go To The Picture Gallery. Please don't run screaming. I'm really cute.
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