Pic is from November02
Hello Everyone......***As of 4/19/2001 My name is Cristina Keresa I am a 30y/o (6/6/71) Transexual living in NC. I was born and raised in Jacksonville, NC . I have been on hormones for almost six years, have been living full time November 2000, and becoming the woman i have always wanted to be.
Well everyone i found out today i have become the joke of yahoo transgender chatroom 1, that i am a troll, and trolling for guys and I am not. Found out that a guy I met goes by iggy troll, has told people that he used me cause i dont have a good heart and that i am a whore. but yet he was the one who wanted to start seeing me. and the girls in the room that i thought were my friends never were my friends cause they never said anything to me....so girl watch for Iggy_troll/reverend ig, same person. they obviously like to play games with people. but I live by my saying what goes around comes around.
So I guess I should start from the begining. Growing up I have alway felt like a girl. I played with all the girls in school, barbies and all. I grew up with four brothers, which was kind of hard considering they were rednecks...and they first thing they found out about me is that I like men. Which was kind of hard for one of my bothers to except. Which was ok with me considering we did not talk for almost two years. Then I moved to Mrytle Beach in 1990, where I moved with the first love of my life, I lived with him for six months, and then it ended he moved back to Wilmington and I stayed. I live my life to be me....I did not start dressing as a woman until Halloween '91. That is when I started dressing in "drag" and love it. I felt so comfortable. It was the true me. I did not know about the hormones or anything else to really help me become the woman I really am. so I did "drag" for years after that. Until I went in to a chat room. around Febuary of 1997. I met a great group of people in the room. Or at least I thought they were. Well that is where I learned all I need to know about the wonderful things I could do to help me become the woman I have always wanted to be. So started on hormones and then I ended up moving to San Diego in 1998. that is were I did a lot of my changing. and I loved it in San diego. I might end up back there one day. but I am now back here in North Carolina, I have finished cosmetology school and got my lisence to do hair. . I was working in a Salon . I love doing hair. Now I am workin in a job I hate with a bunch of uneducated people. some of the people there I like, but most talk crap about me, most cause they are Jealous or the men who feel there masculinity threatened, but they have nothing to worry about they dont make enough money there, for me to even think twice about.
"My thoughts, beware!!"
Most guys treat tgirls like sh*t, now I see why most of them charge now. Cause they want to at least get something out of it. One exsperience I had few months back a guy came to see me after us talking for so long....he treated me with so much respect the whole time he was here, never been treated that way before it was a wonderful weekend, until he left...turned out to be just like most guys, they got what they wanted. and boom gone. I have also got to see how you do favors for people you thought were friends, even listen to their problems, then when you have problems or need a favor but you dont ask, they dont want to hear it...and kindof for get you are even there. I have also learned that if you have friends that are TS when they have surgery they end up thinking they are better than you, and act as if you are not important or could care less about you. That is why I dont have to many friends left at all. email me or I also have Yahoo messanger "cristinakeresa" , MSN messanger.
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For those of you who dare- Here are some pics of me...have fun and hope you have time......8-)
my family and no I am NOT in this pic....8-P
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