Wendi's World Wide Web

This page is always under construction

Hi there! For those of you who've been with me since the beginning, you'll know this is a new paragraph. Can you believe it? I finally have time to attempt an update of my page. It won't be very indepth, but it'll be better than no changes at all.

I'm still hanging out here in Houston, still attending school,but I'm no longer waiting for my significant other to get back from Indonesia. She got home last December and I suppose it doesn't even need saying that I'm very happy she's home with me. Hopefully, she won't be taking off on any long trips for a while.

I still have the three dogs, I'm still working for a veterinarian and still studying my butt off. What the hell.... I stay pretty busy and that makes the time go by quicker!

In what little spare time I do have, I've been working on a website for the animal clinic where I work. If you'd like to see it, go here . Be sure to sign the guest book while you're there, okay?

In closing, if you're new here, welcome. If you're a previous visitor... welcome back. And don't lose faith in me.... I really do try to find the time to update my page.

All bigots are going to be reincarnated as gay, homeless, people of color.

Here are some things you might find interesting

Our happy family: Belle, Mary, Wendi & Taxi

We have a new Doberman as of 2 August 1997. See him here

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This page last updated on 23 April 1998