We Became The Zoës on October 12,

(Melise is on the left, Guillian is on the right.)

it was a very good year...

Our Journey Toward Becoming The Zoës

Guillian proposed on September 8, 1991, we had almost been living together for a year. She had been through some long-term stints but always swore off 'taking that vow'~saying she just hadn't met the 'right one' yet.  Well, we were hanging out at Michael's Piano Bar in Dallas and the pianist was playing Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World."  It seemed like a magical moment when Guillian smiled and through teary eyes said, "Melise, will you marry me?"


We knew that we would wait to get married until our anniversary (the day we first met) fell on a Saturday again (it would be six years from the proposal).  We had plenty of time to prepare!  


We saw what was to be our first (and we thought, last) home together, the day before we agreed to get married.  It became an intrinsic part of our journey toward marriage.  It was a story-book, lovenest, cottage, nestled in the woods.  


If you have questions about any aspect of our wedding, name change, or anything at all, please contact us at zoefamily@aol.com.  Since our community must re-invent itself and its customs, we have to draw from each other's experiences.  A great book that helped us tremendously, was Ceremonies of the Heart, edited by Becky Butler.  Another great book that was invaluable for all of the legal stuff was A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples (follow the book titles to find out how to order them online!)


In 1998, we were featured in The Lesbian and Gay Book of Love and Marriage, a book that includes other lesbigay couples who've tied the knot. 

Also that same year, we moved to Southern New Mexico to follow our dream of starting our own business (we wanted to be together all of the time and our corporate jobs were keeping us apart too much).  We live in the beautiful mountain village of High Rolls, which is just south of Cloudcroft (two hours from El Paso, Texas and an hour and a half from Las Cruces) and will open Good Life Inn Bed and Breakfast  in early Summer 2000.

Current pictures and more fun stuff coming soon!!

On October 13, we will celebrate 10 years together!!

On October 12, we will celebrate 4 years of wedded bliss!!


Open Your Invitation to Our Wedding!

Take a Peek at Our Wedding Album!

Since we are all at different stages of coming out, Guillian and I are mainly featured in these wedding album photos.  If you attended the wedding and would like your photo to be included in this web site, please contact us zoefamily@aol.com.

Did You Know...? Interesting Tidbits and Who's Who

The Ceremony

(left to right, top to bottom)

                                        (some include photos)

Walking Down the Aisle...

The Convocation

The Invocation

First Selected Reading

Before the Address

Reflections on Marriage

Second Selected Reading

Before the Consecration

The Consecration

The Expression of Intent

Our Vows

Blessing-Exchange of Rings

Final Selected Reading

Ties That Bind-Legal Steps to "Wed"

Community Vow of Support

Prayer of Dedication

Lighting of the Unity Candle

Apache Blessing and Pronouncement of Marriage, The Kiss and Benediction

The Pictures We'll Cherish Forever...

Eyes of Love, or Ojos de amor. A meaningful gaze during the ceremony...

Under the Archway! A traditional pose (in our backyard) on the spot of Holy Matrimony...

 This is love ~ Ain't it grand?

A Happy Day Indeed!

Our Reception-Welcome to A Picnic Wedding in the Country!

Time for the Toast!

Cutting the Cake

Our First Dance

Bride in Tuxedo? Lookin' Rico Suave!

Living, Loving, Laughing!

Opening Our Gifts

Honeymoon in PTown, etc.

Our Favorite Picture

Thanks for taking this trip down Memory Lane with us.  Will you please sign our ~

Wedding Guestbook?
See what other folks have written.

Or you can visit the Wedding Guestbook archives:
Volume I
(from a mirror site on Geocities)
Volume II (from a mirror site on AOL)

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