Sexy Funky Dancer Singer Musician SEEKS DANCERS

Click the photo for the full shot.

Well kids....

I'm looking for a husband, dancers, singers, a sound techie, a lighting techie to tour with me. I'm also looking for advice on where/how to book the show... In Boston (617) 292-3373 Things are kicking into high gear and I need dancers. I'm having a tough time finding hunky male dancers. We'll be up and performing by June in Boston and New York city and the areas.

Click the photo for my other page.

Hey kids
if the photos don't pop up simply reload the page, they should come through the second time.

I've got myself an

orgy of musical orgasms... Lend me your ear.

Click for my other page.

the music is hard, fast, sexy... someone called it orchastral industrial...We're going to be touring it soon, on our own OR with the help of a label....

Can't show you the whole photo cause it's dirty.

I love cuddling, kissing, love songs, working out...

Another page of mine, soon with new photos....

Click here for the whole photo.

So, if you want to join my show, contribute to the music in some way, meet me in NEW YORK CITY or Boston EMAIL me..... or call (617) 292-3373CLICK HERE TO SEND EMAIL

Click here for a delicious group of boys in Australia that sing and dance and make music... They have a difficult time keeping their clothes on and this creates problems during their live performances. Crowds get worked up into such a frenzy that every one ends up covered in X!@$*!

click for one more photo of me with a handfull of X!@$*!

Send letters to: Eric Scott, PO Box 5106, Burlington, VT 05402

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