Welcome to my
    little paradise
If the subjects of cross dressing and transgenedered issues
offend you, then get onto the back button and find something
a little in more in your comfort zone. As this site is dedicated to
the art of femenine ilusion.

If on the other hand you are enthralled by your feminine
side or enjoy being with special girls with that something
extra. Then please come on in and tell me what you think
of the decor?

It started many years ago now, at childhood. Making me feel
alive and oh so beautiful. Being a woman is a beautiful experience...
 I am a twenty-seven year old transvestite living in the far east;
A mystical place which is full of femininity with beautiful silks,
dresses, lingerie and wonder. Life is good, especially those parts
which I am able to express my femininity; which is what this
page is all about. Expressing my inner sanctum of being a woman.
Just how many times i have dressed i simply couldn't say; My
memories of dressing date back to as far as i can remember,
I had a wonderful childhood. At seven i found out that one of
my closest friends also liked to dress up so every chance we got
we used to play dress up with our mothers clothes. The feelings
that we got from wearing girls clothes was overwhelming and
when ever i could my boyish looks where transformed into a
little girls. Unfortunatly all good things must come to an end and
my friends family moved away, my secret side went back
into the closet and stayed there...until recently when my girlfriend
found some of my lingerie and then it all came out.

 this is one of my first pictures June'97

  What do you think?

Bio Page.
Links Page.
Photo album
Learning to walk.

   Thanks for stopping by, I do hope that you found something enjoyable.
Some of the links may not work, so please let me know if you have a problem...
If you would like to chat or fe-mail me then I can be contacted at, and please
don't hesitate to,
