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Welcome to my homepage. I am updating it every once in awhile so check back and watch it grow and change as I learn new things! With hugs & thanks to Mike for his GREAT graphics and support!
Here is a little bit about me and my life.
I was born in Kalispell, Montana in 1960. I moved to LA in 1984 and later to Long Beach, California which I consider my home. I am a student in Social Work. And... by popular demand... I am 5'6" tall, 150 .lbs and working out to gain more MUSCLE!, care to know more drop me a line!
Here's how I self identify on the NBCS B4, f+, t-, w-, c+,g+, K+++, s-, m, r+, p, q
© July 22, 2000 was the last date I slaved for hours over this for your viewing pleasure, so write me and tell me what you think!
is owned by BRIAN KASSTLE.
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