robb_la@yahoo.comSo, you've found me...
Hi, my name is Robb and I'm a self professed computer geek that loves keep up to date on the latest technologies. I am a big believer in Apple Computers as they are leading the computer industry in so many ways. Some might think it strange that I say that here, but once you know me, you would understand that it is a big part of who I am. I'm a unofficial Apple Evangelist. *grin*I am a true computer geek and live for the next release of some software or hardware. (sigh) I know that's a little over the top, but it's a fun addiction.
I am the proud father of 5 Standard Poodles. Yeah, I know... Five. I'm crazy. They are, Peyton, Brie, William, Harry & Grace. Peyton and Brie were first and are 4 years old. I breed Brie and last Thanksgiving she gave birth to 7 wonderful puppies which I gave whelping names after the British Royal Family. A whelping name is a temporary name that breeders use to identify the puppies until they go to their final home and get new names. Being crazy, I kept 3 of the puppies and couldn't part with the names that I had been calling them for the first 3 months of their lives. So, that's how I ended up with 5 Standard Poodles.
Below is a picture of the three boys (the girls are camera shy!).