I hope you are not offended, but I am a crossdresser. It happens a lot more often than most people ever realize. Maybe with someone you know.

There was a time when men who crossdressed were shamed by our society. Slowly things are changing. There are many men still hiding in their closets and coping with guilt. Accepting this as part of "who we are" and "not what we do who" is a big part of feeling like a complete person .

The large majority of male to female crossdresers are married hetrosexuals who are just as "normal" as anyone else you know. We have familys and relatives just like you. We treat others with respect and wish to be treated with respect by everyone else.
This is only an introduction of sorts. From time to time I will update this page. Maybe some new images and more contacts for those of you who would like to see how others deal with this part of themselves.

So how am I doing? Well, I'm still working on it. This page is a start -- my introduction for you of who I am and how I work inside. Over time, I'll be putting up my musings here -- what I think about the world, thoughts on my day to day life, records of the events that conspire to influence my life. I hope you find it interesting (I hope I find it interesting, too!). Life is the ultimate form of self-expression -- I'll be living it, and letting you know how it turns out.

Expressive Links:

JoAnn Roberts Home Page