One thing you can learn about me is commitment...
I believe in long term friendships...

M y   F e e l i n g s   o n   f r i e n d s h i p

Comunication,fun,serious,understanding,allowing differences,discussing problems with the person and not behind their back,allowing forgiveness , warmth, sharing,discussing anything without being judged, accepting a friend for who they are ...
unconditional friendship....Through thick and thin...
caring enough to comunicate...
These are the few feelings I get with long term friends...
It takes two to have such warmth and I look foward to sharing with you...

I love to watch these SPORTS...

Dallas Cowboys Or GreenBay Packers
for football...
now in Baseball.. Astros or Angels
and Soccer I am still not sure...
Sometimes I get so caught up in the legs...
I forget which team is which

My favorite Flower is a
White Rose...
The beauty of the white rose reminds me of tenderness and care...The old myth that a man is measured masculine or feminine is by who is giving or recieveing roses is so untrue...Anyone can enjoy roses...I enjoy them for the beauty and the caring person who sent them...

My favorite pass time is hiking...
The beauty of the wilderness to me is ever intriuging
and always a learning experience...I love to feel the wind...
see the trees and smell the plants...
There is nothing better than watching the wild...
To see nature build and care for each other as a whole...To see a Hawk...spreading its wings to full mass...gliding through the sky...
to enjoy a stream...listenning to the rush of water flowing by...

W  a  r  m   H  u  g  s

" Feed  the  soul "

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