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The Gay Ontario WebRingŪ was founded Dec 29 1999. The purpose of this webring is to connect the Gay/Lesbian/BiSexual Community of Ontario Canada through their webpages.

About the ring

The Gay Ontario WebRingŪ is a fun and easy way to bring more traffic to your site, whether its for business or pleasure! A webring, connects internet sites that contain information of a similar theme. In this case, connecting gay oriented sites of people who live or work in Ontario Canada.

Should you add your site to this webring? WHY NOT? After all, you've gone through the trouble of creating your site, don't you want people to see it? Maybe the love of your life, if you havn't already found him/her, will surf right in to your site and fall head over heels for you! :)


The rules are pretty simple. Your page must contain a Gay/Lesbian/BiSexual theme. You must either reside or work in Ontario Canada. Your site may or may not contain pornography, thats totaly up to you! (If your site resides at GEOCITIES, they do not allow pornography on any of their member's sites) Your page MUST NOT contain any hate or racist comments, pictures, or themes against the gay community or any other minority!


Joining the ring is easy. Simply click on the SUBMIT APPLICATION button below and fill in the form with your site's information. NOTE: Yahoo has recently taken over the Webring system. You will need to have a Yahoo ID in order to join any webring now. If you already have a Yahoo ID, great, if not, now is the time to sign up and get yours today! Its easy and its FREE!
Feel Free to continue using one of the ring Logo's I have for you in the HTML and Gif section of this page, although, you no longer need to download the HTML fragment as Webring now provides a much smaller codefor you to cut and paste for your site! If you decide to use one of the images please place the line for it just before the navbar code.

Join the Gay Ontario WebRing Download the GIF & HTML FRAGMENT Edit your sites information

Forgot your  sites password? Click here! Clcik here to check out Links to other local sites! Download Gay Graphics for your Site

Join ALLADVANTAGE now and get paid to surf the net!!

This GayOntario site is owned by Gay Ontario WebRing.
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Gay Ontario WebRingŪ