Welcome To......


We have closed . This site will remain operational but will not be updated.

Clic here to be transferred to Transhelp for support in Auckland

A Social Group
Crossdressers, Transgender and Friends
Auckland NewZealand

Formerly known as the Retro Team and organised by 'Loose Lorraine'
for the purpose of meeting others, getting out and having a good time as the person you want to be.
Meet at Caluzzi 461 K'rd last Friday of every month after 9pm.
Dont worry about the private function sign, come right through to the end of the bar.
All welcome,TGs, Cds, partners, male, female or anywhere in between.
PLEASE NOTE Caluzzi is almost always fully booked for private functions.
We are welcome there so long as we are in keeping with the dress code and arrive after
the customers have finished their meals (9 - 9.30) Although it happens rarely, the management can
turn people away if requested by whoever has booked the place for the night.
We somethimes go to other venues so phone Michelle 636 8136 to make sure what is happening

Photos From Past Events

Photos From SeaHorse 30th

Some photos excluded by request and are only on the
Members Only Pagesmembers only picsPassword Protected

Archives Original mags etc


Trevor Hall (Visual Ecstacy and former K'rd Business Assn presidnet) has died.
Funeral service will be held at Morrison's, Friday 12.30. Address is 239 Lincoln Road, Henderson.
Characters (at St George Tavern, Papatoe) has re-opened as The Cameleon.
Grand opening night July 4th. Will be open Thurs,Fri,Sat
Flesh New nightclub.15 O'Connell St, Auckland 20th December
ENFEMMENZ. A New Zealand online community for FEMME CD, TV, OR TS
Alternate New Zealand.Online community for New Zealand's alternative lifestyle

LINKS of CD Relevance


Something to Tell Us......Email ClubLaFemme now

Text and Layout © Michelle Robertson 2002